

Lexie and Angel, we're ready to shoot whoever was on the other side of the door. The slamming got harder. The door was breaking. Finally, the door came slamming down to the ground.

Angel was reaching for his blade. Someone was coming closer into the light. It was... Lexie's younger brother? "De... Dev... Devon?" "Hi, sis. Did you miss me?"

Lexie runs to hug him. "I can't believe you're alive. I missed you so much," Lexie says as she breaks down in tears. Devon hugged her as well.

Angel looks at Devon with a killer stare. Devon gives his killer stare back. He then grins wide at Angel. Angel saw Devon reaching for something in the back of him.

Angel doesn't trust him, so he gets a knife and stabs his arm. Lexie got furious and shouts at Angel, "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!?" "Lexie, he was about to-" "About to what!? Huh, Angel!?"

Devon takes out a little box. It looked like a wrapped up gift. "I brought you a little something," Devon says in pain as he gives her the gift. "Hmm, I wonder what it is?"

Lexie grabs the gift and opens it. It turned out to be a little puppy. “Oh my god, it's so cute." Lexie was distracted by the puppy.

A few moments later Angel asks Devon, "What's your last name?" He responds, "Duane." "How old were you when you got lost?" "I was five years old."

Angel kept on looking at him. He thinks to himself, "He's nine right now. I know young kids have a lot of strength nowadays. But to knock down a solid metal door? He doesn't have any kind of gadget or weaponry that would knock down this door. There's something very odd about this kid."

Angel then asks one final question, "How did you manage to knock down a solid 800-pound door?" Devon had no response. Lexie looks at Angel. She thinks to herself, "Wait! That's true. How did he knock down that door?" Lexie looks at Devon as she pets the puppy on is little head.

Devon tries to attack Angel. He moves out of Devon's way and smacks a hard hand chop on his back. Devon went slamming to the floor. He got up quickly and tried to attack Lexie.

Angel shocked him to the point he could not move. Then, he tied him up. He stands him up so he could measure himself with Devon. They were exactly the Same height.

"Wait a minute!" Angel says out loud. "What is it, angel?" "You know how your brother's face looked like when he was five, right?" "Yeah."

"Well, although that face looks the same, it wouldn't look exactly the same at nine, would it?" "Wait! You're right! But then... If that's not my brother... Then who is this person?"

Angel gets close and rips off the mask. It was Grieve. They only managed to see a part of his scarred eye before Grieve cut off the ropes and kicked Angel with all his force.

Angel went flying. Lexie tried to shoot him, but he threw the blade at her hand, causing her to let go of the gun. The bullet hit the lights that were on top of her. The lights fused.

It was now dark. Grieve puts on the hood so no one can see his face. He was so quick, no one managed to take a peek of his facial features.

Now he grabbed Lexie by the neck and said to Angel, "Now I want to see you grieve!" He punches Lexie in the face. Then he slams her on the table counter.

He then says to Lexie, "Look at that face. It's about to cry. Why don't you cry right now you little no good for nothing bitch." Lexie says in a pissed off tone, "The only one that's going to cry, is you!" "What?" "Look behind you." Behind him was Angel.

In Grieve's view, Angel had bloody red eyes. His eyes flaming red fire. It looked like Angel was smiling this time. He had layers of black fume around him. Angel grabs Grieve and throws him directly at the corner of the table.

"Ow, you freaken asshole!" Grieve says as he tries getting up. Angel grabs four knives and throws them to Grieve. Two aimed directly at his legs. The other two directly at his arms. Grieve tried to walk towards Angel. Despite the fact, he was seriously injured.

He's walking slowly and painfully. "I will make you grieve!" Angel then responds, "And I will make you suffer for the rest of your damn, no good, forsaken life!" Angel starts shocking Grieve. He cranks it up again until his eyes turn blue and stop.

He goes close to Grieve. "First, what the hell is your name!?" "The nickname's Grieve!" "I meant your real name!" "I ain't answering your questions!" "Then answer one!!!" "One?" Grieve laughs. "Whoever turned you into this Grieve person, who was it? Whoever it was, I can help you."

"You can't help what you've already messed up! You did this to me and you're going to pay." "Wh... What did I do to you?" "You already know that answer! You just don't want to admit it! Plus, you only said one question. I hate you for what you've done and I always will. I don't care if you are m—"

The two men in bullet vests that were with Grieve came walking close to Angel. Angel looks at them as they disappear into the shadows. He looks back at Grieve. He was gone. "They came to pick him up," Angel whispers with anger.

Lexie comes to Angel and asks, "How did he look exactly like my brother?" Angel responds in a low but deep tone, "That wasn't a mask!" "What? I... I don't understand." "The real answer is... that was your brother's actual face. He used it as a mask." "So my brother is actually dead!?"

Lexie sat down (puppy in her arms), wanting to cry. "I'm sorry Lexie. I know now is not the time to say this, but your parents are dead." "I know. I checked through my parents' background as well. I know you just didn't want to see me hurt. Thank you."

Wait! The background information said your brother is lost." "So?" she asks with a cracked voice. He responds, "Remember when we barely met Grieve. You know where Lucy was burning down in flames?" "Yes, why?" "Why were you grieving?"

"Because I saw my brother kill himself, and you? Why were you grieving?" "I was scared into turning what I don't want to be. It felt real, but it wasn't." "Wait, Lucy was grieving too!" Angel clarified.

Now they both say: "WE WERE GRIEVING BECAUSE IT FELT REAL!" Angel says to Lexie, "Maybe Lucy is not actually dead!" "So, where would we find her?" "By following Grieve!" "How?" "I put a tracker on him." "When?" Lexie asks.

"When I slammed him onto the table. Plus, I found these two rare motorcycles. One is black and yellow. That's for me. The other is black and red. That's for you. Let's go!" They get in their motorcycles and head to Drown Harbor.

After a long 13 hours, they finally made it onto the pier of Drown Harbor. Lexie leaves her puppy safely on the motorcycle and ties it up for IT not to leave. They saw Doug. tied up, metal ball chained to his ankle.

He's beaten up even more than he already was. Lexie takes out two knives and hits two shadows, close to their chests. Angel takes out two guns and shoots them directly at their knees. Angel says to Lexie, "Careful! There's eleven left!"

Lexie goes to Doug. A shadow appeared and tries to stab her chest. The knife broke due to the armor she had. She then kicked him where it really hurts and punched him in the face.

She pressed a button on her ring that took out the electric wire. She was shocking him. She flipped over him and got a hold of his arm. She broke it. The shadow tries hitting her with the other arm. She ducks it and elbows his face.

Angel comes in jumping high in the air. He aimed a punch towards the shadow. (There was electric current on his glove). It took only one very hard punch to knock the shadow out, unconscious.

"Where'd you get that glove?" Lexie asks Angel. He responds, "Back at the armory." "Cool." Angel continues to go after Grieve. "WHERE'S JOYCE!!!?" He asks in a very pissed voice.

"How should I know? I only have Douglas here... well, not for long... I don't really need him. Looks like I'll just throw him in the water to sink. Grieve instantly pushes Doug into the water. Angel is running at full speed and is about to throw himself into the deep sea.

Until Grieve grabs him again by the leg and throws him back onto the harbor. Angel's eyes were turning to a bloody red. "Dammit, Angel! Go save Douglas!" Lexie shouts. Angel gets close to Grieve. Grieve is still blocking Angel.

Angel injects a sleeping shot into Grieve. One of his arms numb. Then Angel puts a certain liquid onto his blade and stabs Grieve's leg. He takes the blade out of his leg and puts it back in his pocket. The injection was a drug that made pain hurt twice as much.

"You know that doesn't hurt, right?" Grieve says. "How could you have possibly known what I injected?" Grieve responds, "I've been exposed to all kinds of pain injections. This has no effect on me. It just makes me stronger!"

"Then how did you show pain when I stabbed you at the armory!?" "You see, the injection helps sooth it. I can feel it, I just ignore it. I'm stronger than you asshole!"

Grieve then injects the same substance onto Angel's arm. It affected his whole body. "You still want to jump in the water?" Grieve asks. Angel doesn't think twice and dives into the ocean. He's going deeper into the ocean, trying to grab onto Douglas.

He swims as fast as he could, reaching out for Douglas's hand. Angel barely misses his fingers. He failed to save Douglas. Angel swam back up to the surface of the ocean and gets onto the pier.

He says to Grieve, "That wasn't real, was it? Just like Lucy's death wasn't real either!" "What are you talking about? Lucy's dead. I killed her in front of your eyes!" "You're lying! She never did die! It was just to show us fear!"

Grieve now laughs and says, "Unlike these shadows, I will show you real fear. Your real nightmares! Lucy's dead! You want to see her? Then go to hell."

"What about Lexie's brother?" Angel asked. Grieve responds, "I used his actual face! Ripped it right off. I had a good time ripping it off. It was so much fun."

Lexie from behind tries to sidekick Grieves face, but he ends up grabbing it, with the supposed numb arm. Lexie's eyes widened. She says furiously, "Even if you couldn't feel pain, there's no way you could've raised your hand!"

"I know. I lied. You're not the only ones with armor." Grieve then throws her onto Angel. Angel's eyes are bloody red. He says, "Last chance to answer! Where's Joyce you son of a bitch!?" "You really want to know where she is? What if I told you... she's... dead." "No! No! She can't be. That isn't true!"

"Why yes, it is. I didn't need her anymore, so... she's long gone. Want to see her again? Then, you know what to do with that blade, or... You can join us! We'll make you stronger! Invincible to pain! What do you say? Are you in? I'll give you some time."

Angel responds after a few seconds have passed. He says, "No! I won't do it. Come on Lexie. Let's go." "You're not going anywhere yet! Look what I got." While Grieve says this, a shadow comes out through a boat door and brings out...

"Doug? Is that actually you? I thought Grieve drowned you," Angel Says. Seven more shadows appear. Three of them grabbed Douglas. They put him close to the water and started drowning him over and over. All Angel and Lexie could hear is Doug gasping for breath.

He was Coughing, choking, throwing up water. Grieve and the Shadows laughed at him. "Stop! Just stop it! Please!" Angel said. Lexie looked at the horror. Grieve then turns around to look at Angel. He says, "I'm glad you and all your friends are watching this. Well... most of them."

Little did they know, Grieve was lying about Joyce's death. Two shadows hidden inside the boat made Joyce watch the horror. The one on the left says, "Look at your new friend. They've always bullied him in school. They treated him like trash and thought he was weird. In reality, he was just weirdly nice. The weird ones are always the ones that get messed up!"

The other shadow on the right said, "Yeah, I heard he was about to shoot everyone that treated him like crap. Crazy kid, was really digging his style though. Well, we don't need him."

The two of them forced Joyce to keep watching and by Joyce's facial expressions, the shadows could tell that she was terrified. The shadow on the left asks Joyce, "Do you want his suffering to stop?" Joyce nodded 'yes' since her mouth was still covered.

"Okay, we'll make them stop." The two shadows go in front of Doug and Sliced his head off. Doug's entire body fell into the ocean. Lexie was in shock. Angel looked at all of them with hate.

The shadows went back to the boat and said to Joyce, "There, we ended his suffering! Our way!" Joyce's eyes were tearing up. Joyce wanted to say something desperately to the shadows. The shadows didn't care what she had to say. They loved watching her suffer.

Angel had suspicion towards the inside of the boat. He sneaks close to the boat and tries opening the door. Until Grieve comes and blocks him from entering. Grieve says to Angel, "THAT'S IT!!! LOOK BEHIND YOU!!!"

Angel declines, "NO!" Then, Angel hears Joyce's scream. He turns around in a millisecond. "Joyce?" No one was there. He turns back to look at Grieve. He wasn't there either. What's more creepy is that out of nowhere, it turned to night.

What's more strange is that there was no moon. Lexie wasn't there either. It was very dark. He could not see anything. He then hears Joyce's voice from behind, "Angel?" He barely sees her in plain darkness.

"Joyce! You're... You're here? Are you okay? Where's everyone else?" "Angel...?" "Yes, Joyce?" "I wish you were never my friend! You've only caused me pain and you never even came for me. Do you not care about me?" "Yes, I do." Joyce starts to cry.

Then she starts to laugh. "Joyce, what's going on?" Angel asks. Joyce kept on laughing. She got a blade out and was running towards him. "Joyce! Stop!" Angel said with the little time he had. She doesn't stop!

All of a sudden Angel's blade slides to the side of his foot and falls on the ground. "Pick it up! Kill me! Or I'll kill you!" Joyce said. Joyce was getting closer. Angel was still thinking about it. Joyce is going to stab him in three... Two... One...

Angel dogged her attack and penetrated the blade directly into Joyce's gut. Joyce coughed up blood and fell. "No! Joyce! No! I'm sorry... Joyce!!!" Everything fell apart in Angel's heart. He picks up Joyce carefully and cries of depression. The pier was tearing apart. Every little piece. Angel felt as if he was drowning.

"Angel! Angel!" Someone shouts from afar. "Leave me alone," Angel says sadly. Lexie shouted, "Angel!!!" "What? What happened?" He asked. "You were grieving again," Lexie says. "Where's Grieve?" he asks.

"Nowhere in sight. He threw us a newspaper. I have no idea why." Angel grabs it and opens it to the part of a missing girl. It was Lucy. Angel's eyes were flaming red. Filled with rage.

Meanwhile... Lucy's Parents heard about Lucy missing. Her mother worried to death. Her father, looked (for once in his life), a little frightened as well. The cops came to their house and knocked on the door.

Lucy's mother opened the door. On the side of her was her husband. There are two cops. The one on the right talks: "Lorain and Trevor? Allow me to introduce myself. The name's officer Simmons and this is my partner, Pat. We heard about your daughter missing for a couple of hours. We just have a couple of questions to ask both of you. Is that okay."

Lorain responds, "Yes, come on in officers." The officers enter the house. They're sitting down with their cup of coffee. Officer Pat has a notebook to write down any important information.

Officer Simmons asks, "Do you know why she left?" Both parents look at each other. Trevor responds, "No." Officer Simmons looks around and sees all the bottles of alcohol everywhere in the household.

He keeps asking questions: "Do you know where she could've gone?" "No," Lorain said. "Has there ever been any issues in this house?" "No," Trevor said. "Has she had any brothers or sisters? Any tragedy that might've happened? Has she ever used drugs? Did she have problems in school? Anyone that would mistreat her in any way?"

Trevor got mad, slammed the table, "No! Dammit! There had never been a damn problem in this freaken house! Stop asking so many damn questions! Please." "I see. Sorry to interrupt this peaceful night. Well, I believe I reached the end of my questions. Thank you for your cooperation ma'am.

The policemen left the area. "Why did you have to lie?" Lorain asks. Trevor responds, "Do you really want me to go to jail? Because if I go, you're coming with me!" "Sorry." "I can't believe Lucy's missing! Dammit! I need to calm down! I need some more beer."

Trevor grabs a huge beer from the fridge and chugs it down. Meanwhile, Lorain sits on a chair in her kitchen, by the table. She pleads, "Oh dear God! Please, let my daughter be okay. If anyone knows even the slightest detail, please let them come here. I need to know where Lucy's at. Please! I just need to know if she's okay."

Meanwhile... The cops were in the car. They were having a private, yet important conversation. Officer Simmons asks Pat, "Did you see that guy? He lost his temper real quick."

Pat responds, "Yeah, what about the mother, Lorain. She agreed to everything. You could tell by her facial expressions. It seemed as if she was covering him up for something. Do you think the father has something to do with Lucy missing?"

Simmons responds, "It's most likely he could've killed his own daughter and hid his tracks. In order to make it look as she was missing. Yet, we don't have sufficient proof, but don't worry. We will soon."

Pat asks, "Hey, what about your partner Sherrie? Have you heard from her? She could be a lot of help." "Was my partner. And no, I haven't heard from her. If I see her again, I will ask. She was always the best at solving tons of cases, efficiently. By the smallest of details, she would get, she would finish solving three cases at once. Usually in an exception of time." "Really? If she can help us, where is she?"

Sherrie was still in the hospital. Her lips quivering, her body cold. The reason is unknown why she was cold. Her body was shaking. A nurse comes in and treats her with care. Then, the nurse leaves.

Once she left, the lights turned off. There was very little light. Out of the shadows, comes Grieve. "Agent Sherrie... Let's see... You can figure out a lot of cases. Well then, can you solve the case of the shadows? They lurk everywhere. One of them might even be behind you or under you. Some might be in your nightmares." Grieve laughs.

Sherrie was too traumatized to talk. Grieve continues, "I think you might know this shadow right here. Look closely into his eyes." It was the same shadow that traumatized her.

Her heart was now beating faster. Until she fell back asleep, abnormally. "Let's wait until she awakens. We need her for a little something. I need to know more about that boy..."

Back to Angel and Lexie... Angel looked at the newspaper with impatient anger. He says to Lexie, "Look at this. She's dead and her father is actually worried for once? He's lying! He's nothing but an alcoholic! All he's ever done is affect Lucy's mentality! I mean, who calls their own daughter a bitch?"

"How do you know that?" Lexie asks. Angel responds, "She told me when I was in the hospital waiting for Joyce to recover. She told me everything about him. You have any idea how much pain I have in my heart? How much I have to see everyone's suffering? Every day is the same! There's just so many negative things in this damn world! And I can't do much about it!"

Lexie responds, "You can't cure the suffering, but you can stabilize it." "You think so!?" "I know so. "Okay... Fine! Thanks, Lexie." "So, what now Angel?" "I don't know. What I do know is what I'm going to do before we go and save Joyce." "And that is?" "Having a serious and private conversation with Lucy's father. "What kind of conversation do you mean, Angel?" "You'll see!"

Word count 3,636

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