

Sherrie gets a strange call at 12:00 in the midnight hour. "Hello?" she asks with a sleepy voice. "Agent Sherrie, there's been a change. Your training starts now! We need you at 6,5,1,18 Decode(a) St. At once!" her boss says. "I'm on my way. I'll be there by 3:00 A.M."

Sherrie says. She gets out of bed and changes into her uniform. She proceeds to drive her black suburban to the destination. Once there, she makes it exactly at 2:55 A.M.

She asks her boss, "What's going on?" Her boss responds "Come, you need to see this." "Where are you going? I thought we were going to check this address," Sherrie says.

"Actually we're going to check the neighbor's house. It appears two innocent elders were murdered and there's no light. I'd expect that you have your flashlight ready to go?" Sherrie walks to the car to get her flashlight. It took her four to six minutes to find the flashlight. It was hidden in the glove compartment of the passenger seat.

Then, she felt as if someone was watching her. She looks at the address she was told. A curtain closed. "There's someone there," She whispers to herself. She closes the car door and proceeds to walk closer to the house, until her boss says to her, "Sherrie! Where are you going!? Get your ass over here!"

She still suspects someone had closed the curtain, but instead she goes with her boss. She turns on the flashlight and looks at the dead bodies. Her boss speaks, "What's strange about all of this is that the bodies were already covered up. What do you think agent?"

Sherrie responds, "Let me see here. Two elders were murdered, both decapitated. Blood is all over the floor, but to decapitate a person it requires a lot of force. It also requires a very strong and unique weapon. This would mean the suspect or suspects could've used a saw, or a couple of knives, maybe a chainsaw. Although, none of those match how these people were decapitated. It looks like a clean cut. To clean!"

Sherrie pauses for a while to think and proceeds, "Hey, do any of these people have any kind of jewelry on them?" CSI Agent Catlin says, "We found a necklace, earrings, and a wedding ring on the woman-" Sherrie interrupts, "What about the man?"

Catlin continues, "The man, we found a wedding ring and a watch." "Take the watch and the ring for evidence," Sherrie says. Catlin puts the golden/black watch and the silver ring in an evidence bag.

Catlin then hands it to Sherrie. Sherrie gets out of the crime scene and walks outside to look at the address she was told. Her boss suddenly appears close to her.

Sherrie says to her boss, "I believe there is someone in that house over there." "What makes you think that?" Her boss asks. Sherrie continues, "Maybe because there are only two houses here. One with no electricity and the other house's lights are off. The curtains appear to be closed. I believe someone is hiding in there. Maybe the person, or persons that killed these poor innocent elders. They could be hiding. I'm going to find out."

"You're just on edge today. Hey, Sherrie! Me and the rest of my agents are heading back to the department. "Why?" "To see if we can find any kind of evidence on these items that we found on the bodies. There could be a clue to whoever committed such a sinister crime."

"Understood boss! Here take this as well," Sherrie says as she throws him the other bag of evidence. "All right, I'll see you back at headquarters agent. And please, call me Dawn."

Sherrie was already walking close to the house while Dawn left with the rest of his agents. Sherrie scans the whole area of the suspicious house. She peeks through the windows. There are tiny holes in the wood. She found nothing.

She goes back to the front of the house and knocks on the door. She had been knocking for a good time now. No one got out of the house. Then, she felt someone was behind her. She turns around quickly and grabs her firearm out of her pocket. Still no one in her view. She's looking around for a good amount of time.

Until finally, she hears the weak wooden door open very slowly. Sherrie was scared as she turns back to the direction of the door. She was just about to shoot when Angel says, "Wait! Don't shoot!" Sherrie, relieved, puts her firearm back in her pocket.

She asks Angel, "Is your mother or father home?" "Um no. Not exactly." "Well, what are you doing all alone at 3:40 in the morning?" "It's a long story." "Mind if I come in?" Sherrie asks.

Angel opens the door and gives the hand gesture for her to come into the house. Angel sits on the couch. While Sherrie sits on the other couch in front of Angel.

Sherrie now asks Angel as firmly as she could, "Do you know what happened in the neighbor's house?" "Yes, well I guess you could say I do." "So, that would signify that you know there are two elders dead over there?" "Yes."

"By any chance, do you know who committed the crime?" "Technically... No." "Did you manage to see the suspect's face?" "No, I could not see his face." "So, you witnessed everything, but could not see the suspects face?" "Exactly! Although, the only description I have at this time is that the person is usually dressed in all black."

"All black? By any chance... did the person looked like he had red eyes?" This time Sherrie asks with fear all over her face. She zones out, her face was frozen in blank space. She heard the helicopter 2199 firing bullets and her daughter on the ground crying.

Her daughter saying, "Mommy help me. Don't leave me here! Please, mommy! I love you." She remembers that intense night. Her only daughter got shot by all those rounds of bullets. Sherrie is not the same as she was back then. She goes back to reality and starts to tear a little.

Angel looks at her closely. "What are you doing?" Sherrie asks. Angel says to Sherrie, "Those tears Madame. They represent a past that you had. A very harsh one. Yet, you are dealing with that past, even though it always comes back. You have a lot of pain as I can tell by those tears." "How do you know that?" Sherrie asks.

Angel proceeds, "I'm sorry, but I don't have a proper answer. What I do have an answer for is that I know you are working for the FBI. You want to take vengeance on not all criminals, but specifically on certain ones that have a psychotic mind. You want to end those bastards! But you can't since the law limits you."

"How the hell do you know that I'm an FBI agent!? And how do you know that other kind of private information?" "You're wearing a bullet vest that says FBI. I know you have so much pain... Agent Sherrie," Angel says while smiling with blue eyes.

Sherrie was now terrified, she takes out her gun and points it at Angel. She then says with fear, "YOU!? HOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE!? you were the... the... suspect! The one that ran away. WEREN'T YOU!!!?"

Angel was about to speak until another shadow, (This time taller. About six feet tall), came crashing down the house from a window. Broken glass was all over the floor. His eyes turned back to his original color.

Now both Angel and Sherrie were stepping back slowly. Angel says to Sherrie, "Whatever you do, don't-" Sherrie begins to shoot the shadow and ends up missing every shot. The shadow dodged every bullet fired. Until finally, she runs out of bullets. "You shouldn't have done that agent!" Angel says.

Then he thinks to himself, "Dammit! If I go get my blade, I'll either get Sherrie killed or I'll go to jail. I can't go to jail. I need to see Joyce tomorrow! Let me see... I can't take out a knife... Or steal Sherrie's gun... Come on! What do I do!?" Angel closes his eyes for a little and then opens them. His eyes were burning blue fire again.

He talks to the shadow, "What the hell do you want!?" "I'm here to turn you into what you should have been a long time ago!" Said the shadow. "And what is that!?" Angel asks. The shadow continues, "Why don't you just let the fear consume you!? You'll be unstoppable! No one can get in your way."

"I don't let it consume me because I know that once it does, there's no going back! And I know that I won't be able to love anymore. That's not who I am!"

The shadow is just about to grab Angel until agent Sherrie grabs a hold of him first and escapes outside of the house. She gets him in her black suburban and steps on the gas pedal.

"What the hell are you doing agent!?" Angel asks. Sherrie responds, "Getting you the hell out of here!" "Sherrie no! You can't escape IT!" "What do you mean by IT!?" "Whatever that thing is... I don't count it as human. No matter where you go it's always-"

They both hear as if something got on top of the suburban. "What the hell was that!?" "My god agent! It's always chasing after its target! I'm the target!" The shadow blocks the view of the front mirror of the car.

"Dammit! I can't see!" Sherrie says. She gets the extra gun that was in the car. She shoots but still misses. Her other hand lost control of the wheel. Her vehicle ends up crashing, flipping, losing gas, as it slides.

Finally, the vehicle is stable. Fumes of smoke begin to rise as the smell of gasoline became stronger. It can be smelled from fourteen feet away. As well as the smell of burning rubber.

Sherrie, (bloody and hurt), crawls out of the vehicle. She tries to reach for her extra gun that flew out of the black suburban. She's just about to grab it until the shadow appears right in front of her and steps on her fingers.

Sherrie expresses pain, "Damn you!" The shadow then speaks, "You were never a part of this, but I have no problem killing you right here. Not sure if I should shoot you with your own gun or cut you up and make you look at your own insides! It'll be fun for me cutting your insides! One by one."

The shadow laughs in a psychotic manner. The shadow gets his own blade out and slides it across her chest. As he cuts her, a deep line of blood can be seen. Sherrie screams with undesirable pain.

The shadow continues, "Hush! It's okay to feel pain. Next, is your mouth so no one can hear you scream." He manages to cut only half of it since Sherrie backed up a little. He continues, "Awe, are you scared of seeing all of this? I'll make it better. Let's go to your eye then."

Sherrie tried crawling away from the shadow backward. The shadow then pulls her ear and slices half of it. IT just watched her try to escape! IT stomped on her back with all the force, so she would not escape.

Sherrie did not have any more strength to crawl. The shadow picks up Sherrie's gun, loads it, and says, "Don't worry, I'll make all that pain go away. With just one shot it'll go away quickly. Why run away from death? Don't you want your stupid past to go away? Just stay still. I'll shoot you and that's it. I'm basically helping you, you know. Death is the only answer in order for you not to suffer-"

Angel interrupts him, "Death is for cowards like you! Death is one answer, but there are fourteen more different answers to help heal the past!" Angel was hiding something behind his back. "How the hell are you not hurt!?"

Angel proceeds, "Let's just say... I'm fourteen steps ahead." He laughs with burning blue eyes. "You? You are the one he is looking for," the shadow says. "Who is looking for me?" Angel asks.

"Wouldn't you like to know." Angel gets closer to the shadow. He was now two feet in front of him. "What the hell you looking at bastard!?" The shadow says.

Angel shocks him with a taser. The shadow now expresses pain. Angel continues, "WHO IS LOOKING FOR ME!!!?" "The boss... The boss..." Angel shocks him even more. "WHY!?" he asks. "He wants you to be the main person that leads our group." "WHY ME!!!!?" "Because you're the one with the blue eyes!"

Angel cranks up the Taser to the maximum as he watches the shadow. Angel's eyes were now burning red fire. The shadow is getting electrified at the maximum level.

He laughs psychotically and says to Angel, "You have twelve chances left! Reject it if you dare! That's how it always is. First your family, then your friends, and whomever you love most will be taken away from you! It's always been like that! I suggest you choose to go with them, now! Before it's too late."

Sherrie tries to tell Angel to stop. He would not. He was in a rage. Sherrie grabs the gun and shoots a bullet at the taser, knocking it out of Angel's hand. Angel looks to Sherrie with burning red eyes of fire.

He picks Sherrie up, takes her gun, and points it at her eye. "Do you want to see me make you go insane! I will make you fear your worst nightmares every single night! Until you can't bear to withstand it anymore!" Sherrie proceeds, "Please, stop! I'm already scared as it is. Please!"

Angel looked at her. Her eyes expressed fear of him. His eyes turned blue. He puts Sherrie down slowly and says whispering with fear, "Agent... I'm... I don't... know what happened... I'm... s... sss... sorry." The shadow laughs, "I can see you're a work in progress. Soon you'll be just like us!"

Angel gets close to the shadow and knocks him out. He tries picking up Sherrie. She was too heavy, so he carefully slides her out of the street and grabs the extra handheld receivers that were in the suburban.

"Here agent, you speak to them. I have to get out of here." Sherrie says, "Wait!... Thank you for not... Killing me." "Don't mention it!" Angel runs back to find Nana's house.

Sherrie speaks on the handheld receiver, "Dawn, you there? Agent Sherrie down. I repeat, agent Sherrie down." "Agent Sherrie? Where are you!?" "I'm on 28140 Hell St." "Okay hold on agent. We'll be there ASAP!"

About four hours later the ambulance, (Along with Dawn), came to the area. The shadow nowhere to be seen. The paramedics immediately took Sherrie to the hospital.

Once there, the doctor's and nurse's stitched up Sherrie. Sherrie could not focus. She was terrified of everything around her. Her lips were quivering. She didn't even want to speak nor look at anyone at all.

Meanwhile at 3:00 A.M. in the hospital Joyce is in...

Joyce was having a nightmare. In her nightmare, she screamed and shook. Until about seven doctors and nurses came in to stabilize her. Once there job is done, they leave. At 3:20 A.M. Joyce was having a nightmare again until finally, she wakes up.

She had sweat all over herself. Lucy had been trying to wake her up, Lucy says to Joyce, "Joyce! Joyce! Hey, are you all right?" "I'm fine... um..."

"It's Lucy, remember that Joyce." "Right, right of course. Sorry, Lucy." "It's fine. What's wrong though? You're breathing heavily and you have sweat all over yourself."

"I was having a nightmare. I remember... Oh my god! I remember!" "Remember what Joyce?" Lucy asks. Joyce proceeds, "I remember that my brother... he told me to kill Angel." "And where were you when he said that?" Lucy asks.

Joyce proceeds, "I was back at my grandmother's house. Hey, is my grandma okay?" "I'm not sure Joyce. Sorry." "But Lucy, I don't think it was a nightmare either. I know I saw my brother. He was there! It was real!" "Nightmare's seem real Joyce." "Lucy I swear! He was-"

They both hear a clinging sound. "The heck is that!?" Joyce asks scared. "I'll go check it out." "Wait! Lucy!" "It's okay Joyce I'll be back." Lucy gets out the door and walks the hallway for a while. The clinging got louder and louder. All of a sudden Lucy hears Joyce scream.

She runs back to her as fast as she could. Joyce was pointing at a person in all black. Lucy heard Joyce say, "Look, there he is. My brother. He's alive!" Lucy says, "I don't know what the hell that is, but one thing is for sure that's not your brother!"

The person or thing in all black turned around creepily to look at Lucy and said, "You, you know where that boy is. Don't you?" "I ain't telling you jackass!" The thing appears closer and says, "I need to take him to the boss." "Why!?" Lucy asks all tough.

IT continues, "The boss needs him. Plus, the boss will kill me if I fail! So why don't you tell me, or do you want this bitch here to die!?" Lucy says in a pissed off tone, "GO TO HELL!!!" Lucy grabs the scissors quickly that was on the table and the defibrillator. She throws one piece and that piece shocked the figure.

Lucy then gets the scissors and tries to stab IT. But IT ended up grabbing her hand and cutting her arm about four inches long. Then, IT threw her to the ground. Lucy expresses pain.

Quickly, Lucy gets a chair with wheels and pushes it with all her force towards the figure, causing IT to crash the window. IT plunges 20 stories off the ground, leading to its death.

"Joyce, are you okay?" Asks Lucy. "No... Not really," Joyce said. Lucy continues, "Look, I'll be here to take care of you Joyce. I will protect you for this night. until Angel comes back." "Who's Angel?" "You just said his name a couple of minutes ago. He's your friend Joyce. Go to sleep."

After 14 minutes, Joyce was fully asleep. Lucy is still awake. Yet, little did they know there was another person, hearing everything on the edge of the door. He had the same height as Angel. He had a dark hood on.

The only words that came out quietly from him were: "That boy wants to protect these so-called friends. He has twelve chances left. Too bad I'll be the one to ruin his eleventh chance. Once he hits his tenth chance, I'll make him wish he had never been born by hurting the ones he loves. Starting with Lucy!" He walks away with a murderous and serious expression. No one is able to see his eyes. Only his lips. Not one sound was heard as he left.

Word count 3,232

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