

It was 4:00 in the morning. Joyce thought she heard the voice of Angel whispering, "Joyce, Joyce". She would not wake up. He then yells a little out loud, "Joyce!" Still nothing from her. Joyce finally wakes up at 6:00 A.M.

She looks down on the floor of her room only to notice Angel was sitting down, fully awake. And to her, it seemed as if he was thinking about something. She asks him while yawning, "Hey is everything okay? What are you thinking about?"

Angel ignores the question and asks Joyce, "Hey, do you know anything about your friend's parents or anything about her?" "No, she never really talked about her parents." "Hmm, what's her name?" "It's Lucy. Why are you asking me this?"

"Last question Joyce, when did she leave and why?" "How the heck do you know that?" "She couldn't have just left. There must've been a reason she left. I don't think it's your fault Joyce, but I do believe that there was an argument between the both of you. That could be a reason as to why she left."

Once Angel said this, he looks up at Joyce. "Okay, first off, that's none of your concern. Second, she left because yes, there was an argument between both of us. Let's just say that I hurt her feelings, but it wasn't my fault! You have to believe me, Angel."

"I know it's not your fault Joyce. Although, if her feelings were hurt while making her feel hopeless and... If she left on her own alone then... There is a possibility that your friend might be in danger or she could be dead."

"My friend might be dead!?" Joyce says in a guilty tone. She puts her head down and begins to think about it for a little.

"You know Angel, I do miss her. She's been the greatest friend I've ever had. She's the only one that has supported me throughout the years. That is until you came along and now you're the one that has been supportive." "Joyce, I think I have some good news," Angel says. "Really? What is it?" Joyce asks.

"There is a possibility that maybe she's not dead, but she could be in a difficult situation or she's trapped in some dark place. Although you see, there are two possibilities here. One possibility is that the shadows took her and she's being held captive. The second possibility is that she's okay, but wherever she is, she might not be in a safe condition. So my question to you here is: Do you want to find your friend Lucy?"

"Yes, I do Angel." "Good! Then we need to start training after breakfast." "Training?" Joyce asks.

After they both had their breakfast that Nana made, they go outside to train. "Okay Joyce as said before, Just in case we face any kind of danger, you need to know how to defend yourself."

Joyce then takes out a gun she was hiding from behind her back. Angel's eyes opened widely, "Whoa! Are you sure you want to be holding that firearm?" "Yeah! You never know if I might need it," Joyce said. "Well then let me see if you know how to use it."

Joyce then shoots three shots to three cans she aligned outside. "Okay, but you also need to know Martial Arts. Look, if someone is about to hit you close to your face with their right arm, you can block them with your left. That is if they are in front of you. Now, if someone is going to kick you from a side, you block with two arms as you turn your body first! Or, if you're lucky, grab their foot so that person is unbalanced and you have the advantage to flip him or her off their feet."

Angel spent about five hours teaching Joyce the basic techniques of Martial Arts. It was 12:00 in the afternoon. "Okay, we're ready Joyce. Now, let's go find your friend Lucy." "Two things, how did you learn Martial Arts? And thank you for coming along so we can go see where my friend Lucy is!" Joyce said.

"When I was little, my parents took me to a school where they teach you the basics. I got to advanced, but I hardly use Martial Arts ever since my father gave me his sharp blade. Sometimes I don't want to kill a person, but sometimes I have no choice. Anyway, let's go find your friend Lucy."

Angel and Joyce proceed to get out of the sacred forest and out to the city. Both of their faces were covered just in case if there were any shadows nearby. And if a cop were to see them, they wouldn't be thrown into juvenile prison. "You do know how your friend looks like, right Joyce?" Angel asks.

Joyce said, "Well yes, but if she were to run off... she would most likely be at her parent's apartment." "How do you know which apartment she is in?"

"Well, she told me it looks abandoned and trashed." Angel was thinking to himself, "Why would it look abandoned and trashed if every apartment here looks clean? Strange!"

Joyce and Angel proceed to search the area. When walking on the sidewalk, Angel found a heart-shaped necklace. He picks it up and shows it to Joyce.

She says, "Hey, I think that's Lucy's necklace. Oh! I remember her telling me that the necklace was the only thing that gave her hope. I don't know what she meant by that."

"It means we are close, come one let's keep searching."

Meanwhile, in the apartment Lucy is living in... She was scared, backing up from her father who had a belt and was going to belt whoop her. He was a very abusive father and even more when he drank. Her mother tried to stop him saying, "Trevor! Stop this instant!" She pulled on his arm. Although, he ended up slapping her with so much force that she fell to the ground. Her face was bloody.

Lucy's father in a very drunk and abusive tone says, "Look when I tell you do do something, YOU DO IT RIGHT! You have no excuses! I DON'T CARE IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT! So, stop being such a little bitch and do as I say. Because the next time I tell you and you don't do it, I will whoop your ass more than twenty-four times."

"I'm... I'm... S... Sss... Sorry dad," Lucy says. "First off, you need to get the highest grades in class! If any lower, you are not my daughter. Just a bitch," her dad says then slaps her leg with the belt. Lucy's eyes were squeezing out tears of how much pain that was.

Her father continues, "Second, if I tell you to do something whether you think it's stupid, you don't have a choice. You got that?" He grabs her arm and slaps it with more force than the leg. "Yes... dad... I... I will," Lucy says while soothing her arm.

"Get your ass up!" Lucy's dad says while pulling her arm turns her back, and whoops her ass. "Third, if you decide to leave, I will find you and I will hit you with anything I have in my hands and beat your worthless ass. So stop your damn crying. It won't help! The last thing, I am the FREAKEN MAN OF THIS FREAKEN APARTMENT!!! So not one of you can tell me what I can and can not do!"

Lucy yells at him, "You're not a man! YOU'RE A STUPID DRUNK!!! YOU ARE JUST A FREAKEN IDIOT!!!! No one here loves y—" Her father slapped her face with the belt with all the force he had in him. It knocked her straight to the ground. Lucy just stayed on the ground sobbing. Her father goes up to his room and locks his door.

Lucy gets up slowly with the strength she had left. Every part of her body was sore. She walks out the door. Her mother was just looking at her with tears on her face. Once Lucy is out, she walks for a little while on the sidewalk. She bumps into a person. "Sorry," she says. "It's okay," Joyce says.

As Lucy turns around, she shockingly asks, "Wait! Joyce?" "Lucy?" "Oh my God Joyce, am I glad to see you. I'm so sorry we argued. It was my fault. I have a messed up life." Joyce hugs her, "I'm sorry too. I never should have yelled at you."

They both back up a little gently. Lucy says, "My father has always been a bastard. I don't even know why I went back." She turns to Angel and asks, "And who is this you are with?" "It's a long story, but he doesn't remember his actual name. I said that his name should be Angel," Joyce said. "Well then, its very nice to meet you," said Lucy. "Nice to meet you too," said Angel. Lucy was still staring at his eyes, smiling at him.

"Okay Lucy, we came here to take you back with Joyce. We spent four hours trying to come and find you." "Who's plan was it to come to find me?" Lucy asks. Joyce says, "Well it was Angel's plan to be exact."

Lucy thinks to herself, "Hmm, so this boy came all the way over here just for me?" She blushes and says in a flirty tone, "Thank you Angel" Angel says seriously, "You're welcome, Lucy. Now let's get you home with us."

They proceed to walk back. Yet, Angel and Joyce had forgotten that Lucy's face was not covered. A cop looked at Joyce and Angel. From the cop's point of view, he thought that they were kidnapping her. The cop says, "Hey, you there, freeze!" "Crap! Let's get out of here!" Angel says while they all run.

Lucy was behind them. She could not run as fast as them. "Dammit Lucy. Run faster!" Joyce yells. "I'm trying to!" Lucy yells while breathing heavily. As Lucy is running, the cop is getting closer and manages to grab a hold of her hand. Lucy resists, but her strength was weak from all the beatings her father gave her.

Lucy shouts, "JOYCE! ANGEL! HELP ME!" "Dammit! Hey Joyce, you still have that gun?" Angel asks. Joyce throws him the gun. Angel grabs the MK14 and gets a little closer to the cop. He aims as quick as he cans and shot one bullet. The bullet ended up piercing through the cop's arm. Lucy eventually broke free and ran towards Angel.

Angel picks her up and they all evade the city. The cop calls the sheriff, "Hey, we got some unknown suspects carrying a young girl with them. One of them just shot my hand with a firearm. We don't know what they are up to. This could be trouble."

"Roger that officer Simmons! I'm on my way," says sheriff Sherrie. She proceeds to drive in an undercover vehicle and finds one of them. From the view of her window, she aims Joyce's foot. (The shot had been fired perfectly). Joyce falls to the ground. She can't run anymore. Angel looks back, "Dammit!" He says.

Sheriff Sherrie is dragging her closer to her car. Angel hears Joyce screaming. It reminded him of the night the shadows were taunting him. He got mad at the sheriff. He puts Lucy down on the ground. "Stay here," he says. He runs with all his speed, getting closer to Joyce.

The sheriff says, "Get any closer to me and I'll shoot you!" Angel says to Sherrie, "You don't have the right to shoot someone who hasn't done anything to you!" "Oh, but you two are suspects and I clearly can't see your face, so why don't you shut up! I'm taking this person here to prison. Don't tell me what to do delinquent for I am the law!"

Sherrie pushes Joyce with more force. Angel heard Joyce say, "Let go of me! You're hurting me!" Angel was now pissed. His blade is behind his back. When Joyce is almost in the car, he manages to cut the officer's skin from her hand so she would feel pain and she would let go of Joyce. Indeed it worked.

The officer released Joyce. Joyce hopped as far as she could. Lucy got closer to her and picked her up while the sheriff was distracted looking at her hand. "Come on! Let's get the hell out of here!" Lucy says to Joyce. They proceed to leave the area. They're nowhere in sight.

Angel says to the sheriff, "Hurt anyone again and next time I will kill you and all of your family. I will also kill your friends or maybe just kill everyone except you!" Sherrie looks at him. To her, it looked as if Angel was smiling. His eyes were blue, and darkness of fumes raised. "So, if you try to find us, this is your only warning. I will haunt you at night, maybe perhaps this night, sheriff Sherrie," Angel says to Sherrie while leaving the area. He then runs back to Nana's house where Joyce and Lucy are supposed to be.

Once there, Nana was not at the house. The door was unlocked. Angel quietly enters and looks around. No one was there. "Where's Nana, Angel?" Joyce asks. Angel jumps in complete shock and then turns to look at Joyce.

"Damn! You scared the crap out of me Joyce. Also, I don't know. For now, let's fix up your leg." He grabs Joyce from Lucy and sets her on the couch of the living room. "Oh, she shot you close to your ankle. Here let me put a little soothing cream in it." He then wraps Joyce's foot with a strong cloth to stop it from bleeding.

"Okay Joyce, um... we're going to have to uh... you know... put the ankle... eh... back in its place." "What!? Oh heck no! Anything but that! Won't that hurt!?" "Well yes, but I mean... if you want to walk again that's on you."

Lucy interrupts and says, "Well, you could use crutches for a little while and maybe later we'll let the doctors put it back in its place." "Okay, I like that idea better," Joyce says to Lucy. "I'm sorry I got you both into this mess. It's all my fault," Lucy blames herself.

"It's not your fault. We both knew that there would be risks to save you. Just know that whenever you need help, we will come to you," Angel says to Lucy. Lucy looks at Joyce. "Now I know why you called him Angel," she says while laughing. They all laughed for a while and enjoyed themselves.

"Hey, what time is it?" Joyce asks. Lucy replies, "Barely 8:00 P.M." Joyce says, "My grandmother usually never goes out unless she's buying food. I believe we have enough food in the fridge." "I'm sure she's fine Joyce. Come on, we should sleep early today. We all need some rest," says Angel.

They all go to sleep. Joyce was on the couch. Lucy was on the other. Meanwhile Angel was on the floor with just a pillow and a couple of blankets. (They stayed in the living room, close to each other to protect one another from any danger).

They wake up the next morning. It was very quiet. They look at the alarm clock close to the TV of the living room. Surprisingly it's Late. It's 10:30 A.M. Joyce says, "My grandma should have been up by now. She usually wakes up at 10:00 A.M."

She goes to her grandmother's room and opens the door. Her room was a mess. She goes back down to the living room and says, "Hey, Angel, Lucy, my grandmother is not here and her room is a mess. I hope she's okay." Angel looks on the table of the kitchen. "Hey look there's a note."

Joyce and Lucy come close to look at the note. It said: "Hey Joyce I'll be gone for a little while. I don't know when I'm coming back, but don't worry Joyce I'll be fine". They all look at each other, wondering what Nana could've meant by those spine chilling words.

Word count 2,726

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