
Wednesday 4th Of September

At the station Jade waits for her train, she stares into the scenery before her. "Boo!" Someone shouts into her ear, her heart skips a beat then her eyes shut tight with a high pitched scream. "What do you think you're doing!" She takes her time examining his carelessness to his uniform, reckless dark blue eyes, then his black scruffy hair. "Your face was priceless." he jumps to one leg to another, "Why are you looking at me like that?" She looks away and he smiles. "Right, I'm sorry I scared you." She whispers under her breath, "what do you want..." He looks at her with a huge grin on his face, "What you say?" She clears her throat and then speaks up, "What do you want!" He nudges her arm, "I know you need a friend, the way you handled Katie, I was impressed. I saw your swing on her it was quite a show you put on." He starts bursting out with laughter, "I'm not that kind of person, I wouldn't sink to their level, your level!" He grins, "What they were saying was cruel I know, So I'm here as a friend." She stares down at the ground, "A friend..." She tuts. "I don't need you, I don't need your encouragement on my bad behavior nor do I need your sympathy and you know what! I certainly don't need anymore fake friends." He tries to grab her arm as she walks away, "Don't... Do not touch me." He tilts his head and they both get on the train however, different carriages. When she gets off the train her eyes lead her to Jordan, "Why do people have to keep messing with me, Jordan of all people... yeah right, they have to try harder." She gets emotional and her eyes fill with tears, she takes a deep breath and pushes it to the back of her mind and avoids contact with him. He walked a little behind her staring in her direction, "Why is it so hot today? I could catch up with her?" His upper lip curls up and he shouts out. "Hey, pretty girl wait up!" Jade speeds up her movements practically racing down the road, other girls stopped to stare and some turned around. Suddenly he was pulled by his clothes that were now fully untucked, gripping his feet to the ground, he shouts. "Preston, I was after a beautiful girl! what do you want bro?" Preston laughed while stuffing his hands into his pocket. "You left school early, and you also missed your big..." Jordan covers his mouth, "Quiet big mouth!" he removes his hand from his face, tucking one side of his shirt in, he whispers to Preston. "If he's mad then maybe he'll be a better fighter, he'll probably be worth my time angry." Preston laughs. "True, good one Jordan." They fist bump each other then he carries on walking, Preston then goes back to their previous conversation. "So, a beautiful girl, yeah..." Jordan throws his hair out of his face, "I guess, she was being picked on and I was laughing at her man, and then next thing I know she hits Katie I couldn't believe it! My legs were moving, I ran after her... it's weird because she's not a girl I'd fall for." Preston shocked as he places his hand on his shoulder, creasing his face up trying to keep a straight profile. "This won't last long... as soon as she likes you back you won't like her." Jordan pulls up his backpack, "Possibly." They both walk into school.

Preston twist round to his partners answers, "What kind of voodoo are you creating!" she pulls her work towards herself, "Why would you be looking it's called a test!" he pulls her book, "Rilie..." she drags it back violently, "Don't touch things that aren't yours." she faces the worksheet down beside her and smiles as if she was holding in a laugh, he watches her silently in her unnatural ways.

A small blue headed girl walks out of class, Preston pushes Jordan's arm and in the process he then wraps his arm around Katie, "Unearthly creature over there!" Katie turns back, "What do you mean?" Preston shakes his head, "All lesson looking at the wall and smiling, then looking at me to check if I was watching. Creepy shit." Katie glues a kiss on Jordan, "Me and the girls have some digging to do, bye sweetie." Jordan nods grinning, he walks towards his next class with Preston. "Still feel like she isn't the perfect match for you?" Jordan shrugs, "You know I stopped liking her, she just gives me what I want." Preston disagrees with him, "Do what I do, get girls never put a lock on it! In case you accidentally cheat, at least my way you can't get called a liar." Jordan laughs and hits him on the head.

Jordan stretches, then starts running around the track, Jade silently watches. "I'm sorry miss I forgot my P.E kit, can I sit out today?" the teacher points to the bench then rushes over to the field, Jade sits down relieved.

After yesterday Jade had been given 3 weeks detention after school for an hour, but she was also all alone. "It's feeling more like home... Solitary confinement." A single tear leaves her, when? "Ouch!" and somebody shouts out. "Loser!" Katie smirks, Jordan looks to Katie then gets up out of his seat, he steps out and grabs him by the collar of his shirt. "Ha, you look scared." the boy looks at him speechlessly. "Would you like a punch in the face?" The boy starts to cry trying to form words, "N- N- No." Jordan grins and then says, "Aw, you sure... just once!" The boy screams girlishly and Jordan let's go watching his small body crash on the floor, Jordan smiles over him and he pushes his body back whilst running away. "Too bad... Are you alright Jade?" Jade wipes her eyes and looks around at the crowd that is now surrounding them, she trips over her words then after a few minutes of silence she manages to open her mouth to speak. "I want you to leave me alone." Jordan crackles a laugh at her words, "I'm only trying to help you out here." She stares. "I don't need your help!" Katie pushes through the crowd then puts her hand in Jordan's. "Don't help her, it's obvious she doesn't want it, why don't you help me to my seat instead Jordan..." He smiles at Katie and then looks back at Jade and he leans closer. "You clearly need my help." Preston pulls him by the arm, "Jordan, stop now, if she's being ungrateful just leave her be." Jordan's eyes fixated on her, "Preston, would you turn a cute defenseless pretty girl down?" Preston frowns and puts his hands in his pockets. "If she was being like that, I'd even tell people to pick on her." Preston kisses his teeth then walks back to his seat pushing people out of his way, Jordan laughs as Katie drags him away and Jade spins her body to run. "What is wrong with them! why are they so... so cruel, so evil their so cold hearted they weren't as bad before... or was I exactly like them." She drops to the ground all of a sudden, "Ow." She puts her hands firmly on the cold ground, pushing up her whole body. "Ouch." She stands up, her legs wobbling like jelly. "Oh no, a scar has opened up!" She can't move, she's in too much pain, a girl calls out to her. "Erm, are you okay?" Jade falls to the floor, the girl runs to get help.

Katie sits in her seat, "Miss, I want to thank you for yesterday. You was like my savior, I brought you these chocolates on the table I hope you like them." the teacher humbly eats them, "You are something, after that attack I'm surprised you're here today." she holds her hands on her chest. "I'm just glad their doing something about it, her mother basically funds the school I was surprised to hear they are going to take action." The teacher nods and when Jade walks in to take her seat all eyes were on her.

Jordan is ready and pumped up for the fight against Michael, "Where was you yesterday after school? Crying to your mummy." Jordan grins. "Fool." he flicks his hair back, "My mother is dead... and who says mummy!" he chuckles, Michael stares at Jordan with his eyebrow raised, Preston laughs with him as if it's so normal. "And how is that funny? You're both psycho that's just weird and sick." Jordan stares and turns his head sideways, and grins. "The only sick you'll see is your own!" Jordan makes a swing for it, "Boring, I didn't think it would be this easy." he yawns then punches him in the stomach and kicks him repetitively, until he notices the blood flowing out of his body. Preston laughs in excitement and Jordan stares down laughing in his victory, "Preston you don't understand how weak he was, it was fun but I need someone as strong as me. I need... competition!" Suddenly they hear a voice shout, "You're a monster!" The boys turn their head around to find the voice, Jordan realised who it is was in the distant. "Jade? he's fine... Plus he did ask for it." She stands there crying at the body before her, Jordan takes two steps forward. "Jade..." She moves her hand away from her face and walks backwards then she turns and runs until she reaches the train station, she stumbles on her words. "H- he was laughing over him... would he do that to a girl?" She walks half-way onto the platform when, "Jade!" She looks back as Jordan hunches over out of breath gasping for air, she brings her other foot up and the doors close behind her. Jordan rubs the sweat from his forehead staring towards the train as it slowly speeds away, he flicks his hair back and then stands up straight smiling. "Wow... but 'you're a monster!' Why does that bother me, I shouldn't have ran all this way! Now I have to see her in the morning." He scratches the back of his head then grins as he waits for a train, he sits on the floor waiting for the next train. Jade unlocks the door with her key and realised that she was late home, her mother shouts at her as soon as she passes through the door. "Why are you back?" Jade responds quickly, "Schools over." Her mother pierces into her eyes not moving an inch, "It's like I can't get rid of you!" Jades eyes water, her throat dries up and all her anger builds up inside shouting her words out. "There is always adoption! Hate me that much, then put me there!" She breathes heavily trying to gain all of her energy back, "I would and I could but, what use would that do? Will my husband come back to me?" Jade stares at the ground. "...No..." her mother pushes a vase off the coffee table and watches it shatter into a million of pieces, then looks directly at Jade. "Will it make me look good! No, you being here makes me suffer, but I must live with it. You make my life a living hell, get out of my sight you waste of space!" Jade cries and runs up to her room and slams the door shut, "Don't break my door you stupid girl!" She looks around her room in a search for her knife, she pulls away her covers and stares at the knife lying on her bed. "This..." She tries to calm herself down, "This is my..." She picks up the knife in her left hand. "This is my best friend." She drags the knife long her skin overlapping another one, the cuts pour fountains of her blood. Her bed sheets are soon covered in blood, soggy, wet and damped, she holds her pillow close to her body and falls asleep with the knife under her bed.

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