
The Chu Group Of Companies Part 1

"What's the difference?" Lily asked from the phone.

Darren was currently talking to her about the compromise and was sharing what happened the day they sealed the agreement. Minus the guilt he's occasionally feeling now and then. 

"I, uh, compromised with him and instead of me trying to convince Tim in any and every way, I will just be helping him" Darren said and stared at the wall of his bedroom. Not thinking something exactly, just staring. He's had too much fun angering Hugo yesterday and his mind is very much sated and decided to sleep and not bother him with any kinds of thoughts and whatnot.

There was a silence, around him and between him and Lily. He even thought he had accidentally ended the call and tried to see but Lily was still there.

"Did you die or something?" he asked and raised an eyebrow, sitting at the end of his bed.

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