
The Flirty Git & Imaginations

"Oy! Come on cutie, don't be ridiculous!"

Darren rolled his eyes for the umpteenth time that day when Tim continuously try to convince him to tell him the story of why he is in under house arrest and Darren continuously and hardly patient in answering him with his signature statement 'it's none of your business'.

"Can you just shut up? You're giving me a headache" Darren grumbled in complain. Tim only shrugged and opened his godforsaken mouth.

"You're stuck in here with me annoying you and I ought to know why soon" Tim immediately answered.

"Are you always pushy like this? Making people want to strangle you? Gosh. I would want to really commit a mistake I haven't done" Darren furrowed his eyebrows when Tim became suddenly serious, his stance changed and became tense and rigid for a second before he returned to his usual self by sighing.

"I understand" Tim paused and looked at him, tilting his head and catching it with his palm. "You were blamed?"

Darren tried to conceal his surprise. Really tried to but it showed. It still showed and he can make up what kind of facial expression he displayed in his awesome face. Something akin to shock and disbelief, more like astounded and a little bit appalled.

Did Tim just see through him? He just did. Curse those tantalizing and yet observant eyes. Darren thought he had mastered his acting lessons but it seemed that it didn't work for Tim saw through him. He saw the truth behind his eyes and didn't bite with Darren's nasty remarks to get him off of his back.

It's not everyday that Darren was amused. For the whole time he's been this snarky gay, only a number of people can see through his expressions and read between his lines. There are his parents and Lily and sometimes Lee if he's not as oblivious as his usual self but it took them years and now, Tim who's basically still a stranger who he let stay in his house, read him and his statements?

"So, what it's like?" Tim asked, breaking Darren off of his reverie.

"What's what like?" Darren asked in confusion.

"Being blamed for fucking something" Tim asked nonchalantly that Darren believed he really didn't care or he's just that good in masking his emotions. Darren chose to believe the former.

Even though Darren knew now that Tim would be able to see his lies, he still opted for it. "I don't know. Can't relate"

Tim stared for the next minute. Stared at him confidently and it did stir a bother inside him. Darren can see aside from the confidence exceeding his narcissism, there was more to it that he cannot name.

It's something hot and yet cold, something kind and sympathizing and yet indifferent. And Darren nearly made a fuss for the unfairness of it all. How come Tim can read him and he cannot?!

Just then, Tim smirked again. This man of a package deal smirked at him! And why is his body reacting to it quite strongly? Oh my, this is turning into something nasty and he was sure won't like it.

"You're very cute, you know that?"

Darren fought off the blush that's trying to inch his way in his face but then again, he cannot. For he is nothing but a gorgeous gay with no control of his emotions when it comes to this shameless man he has for a guest.

Tim chuckled lightly, eyes shining with mischief and showed that he is enjoying this play of his. Darren had the urge to kick him in his shin.

"Hella cuter when you flush like that" Darren darkened even more and Tim burst out laughing. Darren glared at him, eyes narrowing in annoyance.

"Shut up! Stop toying with me!" Darren demanded but Tim merely wink at his spot as he stood up.

"Cute" he once murmured when he calmed down.

"Anyway, can I borrow your bathroom? And some towels and clothes?" he asked nicely and Darren rolled his eyes, something he found himself doing for how many times ever since he'd met him.

"You don't have clothes?! Are you sure you're not some beggar hiding behind leather jackets and a motorbike?" he criticized. Tim smiled playfully, "You're judging..."

"Because you seem so shameless! You knocked in here, asked for a place to stay, I told you to go home in the morning and yet you didn't, asking about my personal business and then -

"And nagging" Tim added, cutting Darren off his rambling.

"No! You cannot take my clothes! Just leave! I've had enough of your presence!"

Darren frowned at him. Suddenly aware and realizing he should be suspecting his appearance and not appreciating it! And more, should NOT be blushing! This is utterly absurd!

And then he pouted. Tim pouted and Darren nearly gave up! Nearly said yes then on! He just looks so adorable pouting and when he sported that puppy eyes, Darren scowled.

This isn't good. This isn't good. This isn't good Darren! He reasoned out inside his mind but it didn't listen. It jumped in joy for having to witness such an adorable view out of the gorgeous and manly man.

"You are -

"Irresistible I know" Tim cut him off again.

"Neanderthal!" Darren crossed but being so thick faced Tim is, he ignored casually.

"So, where's a bathroom and clothes I could use? Or maybe the whole package? Soaps, shampoos, bathtub? I plan to soak myself for two hours. I fucking stink and I wouldn't want to push my smelly ass to your royal ones"

Darren understood those statements but he had another different view with the last one. His mind turned three hundred sixty degree southwest, north and east! It doesn't make any sense because his brain cells stopped moving. His ass to his royal ass?! Oh my god! The image! The image in his mind is not so good! This is insane! Why would he imagine his royal ass, as Tim calls it, to this man who cannot shut his mouth?

He wanted to slap himself. He so wanted to slap himself for the absurdity of it all!

Is he that touch-starved that his mind runs loose?!

"Cutie? I need a shower and clothes. Fucking fuck I stink!"

And he's back. He was so easily turned on that it only takes one push of the switch for him to be turned off.


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