

Emamaline's pov

Two days earlier

It was a stressful day, and I just want to go home and rest. Staying in this town isn't easy as things are getting harder. However, something is off; I can feel it, though I'm not exactly sure what it is. Where's my phone? It's ironic how the phone is quiet now when it is always disturbing my peace. Scattering my bag, there you are, at the bottom of my bag. I pressed the side button, but the battery is dead, great just what I needed. I still have that weird feeling that something isn't right.

I guess it is time to place a call home to my family. Opening the doors to the house, lulu my beautiful cat came running, meowing. Hi lulu, anything interesting happened today, I asked while rubbing her fur. Remembering my dead phone, I plug it in to charge while searching for what to eat. The fridge is empty as I haven't gone shopping yet. I have some noodles. I guess dinner tonight will be noodles. Placing the noodles on the gas, I decided to undress and then came back to the kitchen in my towel to put off the fire beneath the cooking noodles.

After showering and getting dressed, I went back to the kitchen for my dinner. Lulu and I sat at the table to eat and catch up on some TV together. That strange feeling came back again. So I picked up my phone where it is and called home.

"Hi mum, how's everyone at home."

"We are all fine sweetie, how was work today?"

"Work was the same, nothing different."

"I just wanted to know how everyone is, and where is Adaline?"

"You know your sister, she's out, probably picking flowers again."

I smiled, knowing that truth Ada is always picking a flower to place all around the house.

"All right, mum, I've just been getting this weird feeling today and decided to give you guys a call to confirm if everything is fine."

Everything is fine, dear, although I've also been getting a strange feeling too, all is well. Get a goodnight sleep and eat something other than the noodles you're eating."

I started laughing, "How did you know I was eating noodles."

"I'm your mother, dear, and I know a lot of things."

"Ok, night, mama."

"Night, dear."

I went to the kitchen to drop the dirty plate in the sink. Clean up will have to wait till tomorrow, I'm too tired to do anything now.

I carried Lulu with me to my room and placed her on the bed while I got ready to have a peaceful sleep. "All right, lulu, time for bed. I tried moving her from the middle of the bed."


"The bloody cat just hissed at me."

"I've got to sleep too, you annoying cat. The bed isn't for you alone, now move." Once she moved, I laid down on the bed and closed my eyes, and forgot the world.

But my sleep was plagued with dreams

"People laughing and making jokes, Adaline running through the woods with some people chasing. Ada chanting Blood of my Blood, hear my call." "Blood everywhere lying on the floor is Ada, she's as pale as white, I can see her chest not moving." Something touched me on my shoulder, and I turned around. There is my sister bloodied as ever with white eyes saying "Blood of my blood" over and over again till she screamed Blood of my Blood, waking me up from my dream gasping.

My entire body felt cold and weakened like it's missing a part. I look at the time, and it was past five; I don't remember sleeping that long. Something is wrong; I can feel it as I pick up my phone to call my mum. The line kept dialing, but no one was picking up. Neither mum nor Ada is picking up their phones. I kept calling and still got the same response. Something isn't right, and I can feel it. Something is wrong with Adaline.

I dropped the phone on the bed and went to the bathroom to get a bowl of water. I stopped and turned back to return the water. What's wrong with me? I gave up magic a long time ago. But this is about your sister, my subconscious kept telling me. So I went back to pick the water bowl again, took it to my room, and placed it on the floor. I knelt in front of it and stretched out my hand, hovering above the water.

"Show me, Adaline." Nothing happened. I repeated the procedure thrice—still the same thing.

"Show me mother," the water ripples and shows me my mother, but she is lying over something and crying. I can see her clear as day, but I can't see what she is lying on. They are trying to move her away from it, but she refuses until Rosen, the coven master, moves her, and I could see what she was lying on. Adaline, my sweet little sister, is covered in Blood.

I could hear screams, a loud one. It took me a while to figure out that it was coming from my mouth, along with a lot of tears. I could feel my heart-breaking. I pushed the bowl away as I don't want to see it anymore. There she is again on my chair covered in Blood, saying the same thing "blood of my blood."

"I don't understand what you're saying."

"She kept repeating it." I placed my head on my knees, crying out for my broken soul, but then she appeared in front of me saying the same thing. However, she was pointing to something. I turned to look at what she was pointing at, and then I saw the charm bracelet she gave me when I was leaving Coppa.

Then I remembered what she said to me when she gave me the bracelet. "Blood of my blood, if you ever need me or anything happens to me, just open the bracelet." I rushed to the bedside shelf and picked it up, turning to talk to her, but she was gone. So I opened the bracelet, and I saw what she wanted me to see. What had happened to her and how it came to be.

My phone rang, and I picked it up,


"Hello, Ema."

"Master Rosen."

"I didn't mean to disturb you, but I'm afraid I have some bad news."

"My sister is dead."

"How did you know?"

"It doesn't matter how I got to know. What I want to know is when the last rite is being performed."

"Tomorrow, my dear."

"All right, I'll be there."

��Ok, bye, and Ema, I'm so sorry, dear."

I dropped my phone on the bed and sat there as I made a promise. "They will all pay. Anyone who played a part in your death will pay."

"An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth."

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