Wang Wei's lips twitched. He knew this day would come, and he also knew he could no longer delay it. He sighed deeply before saying: "One minute." He condensed a talisman in the void to send to Red Mask. He had decided to stay here and even enter his cultivation retreat in the Origin Seal Continent. As such, some of his work needed to be transferred to this place.
"Alright. I'm ready."
Wu Hong waved his hand, and they teleported to another area. Wang Wei looked around, and everything was either black or dark purple. "Primordial Chaos?"
"A replication," Wu Hong explained. "We're in the Battle Training Area I've built." This place was not the same as the Primordial Chaos around the Origin Seal Continent but more similar to the Battle Pagoda from the lower dimension.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: