Wang Wei looked at her, the woman he had spent the past few billion years and more thinking about it. The one that forced him to dream just so he could remember her touch. She was as beautiful as he remembered, maybe even more so since this one differed from the one he married.
This Wu Hong was colder and lonelier, and she did not hide her power or commanding presence. It was apparent to him that this one had a wall surrounding her regarding their relationship. However, a smile crept in the corner of his mouth after seeing her hair color.
"Sorry about that — it was just instinct," Wang Wei finally said before sitting down again in the water.
"I understand your situation is weird, but be mindful that I am not her," Wu Hong calmly stated.
"So, she did leave you her memory?"
"She did, but I sealed most of them," Wu Hong nodded.
"She's biased, and I don't know how she came to be."
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: