"Your Majesty, if you don't mind me asking, who is this noble guest?" asked a Heavenly King who felt that Sage Duan Ru might ask the same question if he gave him time.
"An honored Paragon," Wang Wei calmly responded. However, most people gave him a blank and confused face. "I guess I can tell you this information for free. Do you know the realms after Great Emperor?"
Most people were once again confused, but someone said. "I once heard the word [Empyrean], but that's all I know."
"That is correct," Wang Wei nodded. "Once your luck is enough, and your cultivation reaches 70% Grand Dao Source, you must survive the Immemorial Tribulation and condense the Grandmist Wheel to gain the power of Creation; then you'll become an Empyrean."
Wang Wei paused to give them thoughts to process this information.
"After 90% Grand Dao Source and other factors, you'll become a Paragon and stand at the top of the universe."
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: