

Wang Wei waited for Wang Qi in his Transcending Fate Mountain, and the latter did not make him wait long. There were plenty of things to do, so Wang Wei did not beat around the bush and immediately started the conversation.

"How was the haul this time around?"

"Excellent, but only because of the vast quantity."

"No Eternals?"

"Only three," Wang Qi replied. For this expedition, he brought the heaven chosens from the remaining 1000 World Communities that once belonged to the Golden God, so the ratio was low.

"What about pseudos?"

"15, which is where most of our outcomes originated from," Wang Qi explained as he handed over the space ring. Wang Wei checked and nodded in satisfaction.

"Any noteworthy news?"

"A few."


"Firstly, the war has intensified. The rebellions have started to attack the core factions of these parasites. I reckon there won't be any place of peace by the time you ascend."


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