

Wang Wei sat on his throne, and after a few seconds, a figure rose from a shadow spot before him. "Master."

"Wang Ju, update me."

"Yes. First, President Tian Wenyan is dead, and the court has conquered the commerce hub's territory."

"That should be expected." The man's effort was nothing but a last-ditch effort, so he was bound to die no matter what. "Do you know why he never surrendered to us?"

"Someone he loved dear died during the war, so he blamed us, blamed you."

"Is that so?" No matter how cunning or brilliant someone is, they will always have some sort of emotional fetters — unless they walk the path of indifference. "Do we know who… never mind. Continue."

"With Tong Ruobing's talisman, we have hunted down most of the Abyss Gap branches, but a few successfully escaped despite our well-coordinated efforts."

"Escape? Where?"

"Back to the gap."

"Didn't we have people blocking and supervising the entrance?"


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