Wang Wei did not have to wait long as a few months later, his mother secretly visited him. Her time was ready, and she was stressed about the upcoming event. Wang Wei reassured her by preaching [Existence] to her, and this approach immensely helped Yu Yan feel more confident.
Then, the day finally arrived. While Yu Yan prepared in the Yu Clan, Wang Wei, Wang Tian, and Wang Chang watched everything from a screen in the court.
"Do you think she will be okay?'" asked Wang Tian, walking back and forth to the point his father became annoyed and smacked him in the back of his head to stop. According to the old man, his jittering made him more nervous, so he had to stop.
Wang Wei, who was trying to keep himself from laughing, said with difficulty, "She's fine. After all, don't you know who she gave birth to?"
"Are you praising her or yourself?" asked Wang Tian, rolling his eyes.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: