
Suppressing Fate Alliance On the Move

"Yes, I accept," replied Huang Yuan directly.

"Oh, so simple," said Mo Xingyun, not hiding the surprise in her voice. "I thought I would have to convince you and even pay extravagantly before you agreed."

"Do you want me to fight with you and waste time?"

"Of course not," she said with a smile. "After all, I don't want our alliance to break down before accomplishing our goal."

Mo Xingyun could not help but sigh at her bad luck. Fang Lijuan and Song Jiaolong died before the final battle, thus drastically weakening their alliance. 

'These two were great pawns; it's a shame for their early death,' she thought; she had many plans on how to use these two pawns to the fullest of their ability.

"Time is of the essence, so send me the thing you promised. I will give you a coordinate."

Mo Xingyin frowned.

"Is there a problem?" said Huang Yuan with an ugly expression. "I won't accept your proposal without what you promised me."


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