Wang Wei laid his head on the World Tree, not saying a word. He waved his hand to manifest a bottle gourd. And as soon as he removed the gourd seal, a thick wine scent scattered throughout the surrounding few million miles. The sheer smell of this wine changed the surrounding clouds, making them jump around and dance as if they were drunk.
Without hesitation, Wang Wei took a sip and felt his mind refreshed. Furthermore, the taste of this win was Heavenly. Subsequently, he sensed a mysterious power traveling throughout his fleshly body and nourishing it.
Unfortunately, it was not enough to help increase his True Power Dao Realm. However, he was not in the mood to care about such a thing, as he continued to drink.
Wine in the cultivation world had three ways to distinguish its worth: the materials, the technique, and the time spent aging. The method used in Wang Wei's wine is excellent but could not be said to be the best or revolutionary.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: