"She's doing fine. No, she's doing better than fine," replied Wang Wei, and he was not exaggerating. Dong Lifen's achievement even shocked him and could be described as legendary. If she came to the Myriad Emperor World, she could suppress all the members of the current generation–except for him and Di Tian.
Wang Wei would be considered a worthy adversary, a threat only second to Di Tian.
"However, she is also a little too stubborn and reckless," added Wang Wei, as he was not lying. Dong Lifen's recent actions almost got her killed and destroyed her path. Luckily, he asked the sect to look out for her, so an Insurgent had to save her.
"Is she alright?" hurriedly asked Yu Suyi.
"Only injured, but she's fine," replied Wang Wei. "If you want to see, I can send someone to guide you."
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: