
Heavenly Dao's Chat

Wang Wei watched Mo Yuan disappear and could only sigh. He cupped his hand before bowing deeply; he showed respect for a senior who walked the same path. Maybe in the future, his fate will be the same. No, the only difference is he won't be alone if it ever ends for him. At least, he hoped it would be so.

He looked in the direction of the Wrath Territory before continuing his original objective: contact Heavenly Dao and have a conversation. Soon, Wang Wei found himself standing in an all-white space with an enormous eye above him.

[My son, what can I do for you?]

'Son? Well, technically, all creatures of the Myriad Emperor World are Heavenly Dao's children.' thought Wang Wei. Of course, he would not call her mother or father. Their relationship only recently became decent, and depending on how today goes, it might sour again.

"I came to convince you to refuse the merger with the Nine Devil God World," said Wang Wei.


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