"I will be the first," said Qiyuan Emperor. Then, he waved his hand to manifest two cushions: one for him and the other for Wang Wei. The others waited as Qiyuan sat and Wang Wei sat, with the latter closing his eyes.
"All lives are fundamentally divided into Qi, Essence, and Spirit. The cultivation process can begin by developing any of these aspects: it is a journey of self-discovery and transcendence, breaking the limit of the body, mind, and spirit…."
Wang Wei did not hesitate to deploy his Spirit Particles and Future Buddha Self to improve his comprehension. At the same time, he had all his incarnations comprehend the sermon.
Since the incarnations had different lives and experiences, they might understand something he could not. Furthermore, having ten of them comprehending the same sermon was better than just him.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: