Yu Yong and Wang Wei sat cross-legged in a small yet comfortable room. Hot fresh tea was once again brewed while the two chatted. The old man looked at his grandson up and down before sighing deeply out loud:
"Look at you, you are all grown up now. In just a blink of an eye, the little brat I remember with eyes full of wisdom and curiosity about the world is now a young man.
"A young man with a wife of his own, and maybe soon, a family."
Yu Yong could not help but think about a few thousand years ago when his grandson was born. Back then, he was still in retreat to treat his injuries, so he could not be present.
As such, he sent a clone instead. He remembered the first time he held Wang Wei. Despite being just born, his eyes gleamed with intelligence and he seemed to be observing the world around him.
His smile was so pure and infectious that for the first time since the Heaven Will Battle, Yu Yong had a genuine joyous smile on his face.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: