
Qi of Calamity

A meeting of the upper echelons took place after news of Fan Li's death spread out quicker than any wildfires. All the teachers had a frown on their faces, rendering the atmosphere in the room quite somber and dreary.

"How is the situation?" asked headmaster Bai Han after a while, finally breaking the silence and starting the meeting.

"As bad as one would expect," replied the teacher in charge of gathering information for the Academy. "The rumors that we killed Fan Li for his inheritance have dramatically increased. No doubt that the people of the Dao Opening Sect are using this opportunity to further ruin our reputation.

"On top of that, many factions have started to ask our Academy for an explanation, putting pressure on us."

"So, what if they ask us for an explanation?" said one teacher. "Since when has our Academy ever been afraid of anyone?"

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