After Xuan Yi's turn, many other people came afterward. They all tried to enter but failed to do so. As such, the majority of people gave up, an act that delighted Xuan Yi a great deal.
However, one person did not give up, instead had his Divine Altar and Ancient Lamp destroyed, essentially crippling. Wang Wei admired this person's will, unfortunately, he was not a wise person; he did not take this opportunity to re-forge his foundation.
Unmatched bravado without wisdom is not enough to reach the top of the cultivation world. Unfortunately, few people realize this. After sighing, Wang Wei focused on someone else that was rapidly approaching.
After that person arrived, he only frowned for a slight moment after seeing the writing on the door, then he strode inside. The trial did not faze this person until he reached one step from entering inside.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: