After Wang Wei woke up, he still had a massive headache. He felt like his head was constantly ringing like the bronze bells in a Taoist Temple. He became confused and could not remember much. He knew his name, but forgot everything else for a moment; he forgot the date, the place he was and what reason he was there.
It wasn't until the next day that Wang Wei returned to normal. After which, he started thinking about the state he previously was in and the reason for it. More importantly, how can he re-entered it again and minimized the side effects.
After contemplating for a while, Wang Wei came up with the explanation that this was the result of his powerful soul. When he concentrates or focuses on one task, he can enter a state similar to bullet time in which everything will slow down and his reaction time will dramatically increase, and his brain computing power will also exponentially increase.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: