
Page XLVI - A Thousand Worlds

"Hey." Anastasia's dressed in a casual wear as she was walking towards to top of the stands. A plain white t-shirt, completely oversized for her, and jeans. She was waving her hand at Theodore as she was navigating her way through it.

"Hmm." Theodore waved his hand back. He was also dressed in his casual wear. 'Too baggy,' he says as he was wearing that suit.  He was just there spectating and watching the shows that were happening in the anniversary.

Anastasia finally found her way in and sat next to him. "What'd you think of the play?"

"The audience loved it. It seems."

"That wasn't what I was asking." She leaned in forward and looked intently on his eyes.

Theodore let out a sigh and raised his hand on her face and pushed her away. "It was... abrupt."

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