
Page X - Celaine's Poetry

"Argh..." Theodore's head still aches of the certain trouble that arose yesterday between him and Ray. He spent hours listening to Ray about the hidden games he had.

Even though Theodore is still weirded out by Ray's taste in terms of games, he had to clear our the annoyance in his face and keep a straight one. For today is the real start of their classes.

As he opened the door to his class, he was greeted by Celaine waving at the place where they talked yesterday. He scratched his head knowing that he won't get a quiet day for himself.

With hesitation, he gathered up the courage to enter the classroom and sit next to the window.

With his lightning fast speed and drive to attain silence for the rest of the day, he pulled out his phone and headphone and wore it putting up a non-existent barrier around him.

He waited until the first lecturer went in.

And after a few minutes, someone did.

Everyone rose from their seats and greeted the lecturer with a "Goodmorning!" Followed by the lecturer's name and waited for their professor to respond with the same gesture so that everyone will sit down.

Theodore took off his headphones and brought out his notebook and a piece of recorder to record the lectures of the class.

Theodore was simply impressed by how straight to the point the lectures are. "Its a nice change of pace." He thought to himself.

There's no unneeded jokes, sarcasm or the professor being distracted by the students from useless questions. Everything they saw from the board were just that. There's nothing more, nothing less. It's the perfect place for absolute concentration on their studies and the atmosphere of the classroom is silent. But everyone was determined to learn as their fiery passion for learning helps them to write down all the things Professor Erin is listing on the board.

It has been just one subject but Theodore already filled out three pages worth of information. "If I was in middle school... This would've been a week's worth of lesson. I have to thank auntie for putting me here. There's no obnoxious clowns of professors."

The bell rang and an announcement followed, "Morning classes have ended. Return to your classrooms before 12:40 AM."

"H- hey Theodore." Celaine suddenly asked of him.

"Celaine." Theodore replied back at her as he was packing up his things.

"Well f- from our conversation yesterday... Would you like to continue about it? I've written some passages."

Theodore stopped what he was doing and looked at Celaine. He hasn't had company like this since all of his classmates before weren't simply interested in books. Even though he had plans to get new books in the library, "Sure... I guess. What did you make this time?"

"I didn't want to commit to such large projects yet so I... I- I started off with a poem." Celaine ruffle in the insides of her bag and brought out a notebook. It was filled with cute things like stickers of bears, sparkling with glitters and stars and a text in the middle named 'Diary.' "Here!" She handed it over with both of her hands as she lifted it up in the air above her head with her head looking down.

"Are you sure about giving me this..?"

"Eh?" Celaine brought the notebook she had and took a look at the front. "Ah! I'm sorry!" She took another go at her bag and brought out another notebook. Extremely neat, there's no rolls or anything. It seems to be a newly bought item. "Here!"

Theodore noticed that her hands were shaking. He desperately wanted to ask if this is the first time she's showing anything her work but he immediately knew what was going on. "No friends huh..." He thought to himself. He simply just accepted it and opened it up on the first page.

'Fleeting Feelings,' Theodore wanted to chuckle on how cliché that line is and wanted to say something about it but he just held back. Since he knows how nervewracking it is to show someone your work.

He then began to read the rest of the poem.


[Fleeting Feelings]

I could only look at him in the distance

As my body shook as soon as he notices my existence

Is this fear that I'm feeling

Or is it the pain of unrequited love being?

I could only look as he walks away

Into the arms of another which absolutely hurts

For he's the one who makes my day

But also the one who makes it worse.

But I have to look forward.

For there is much to see

Even though it is beautiful, it is simply cruel, this world that is.

That's why even though my heart is bothered

I'll find someone, to get this heart of mine, be cared.


"S- so..." Celaine was stumbling in her words. Was it her personality or her being absolute in fear for what would Theodore say? "W- w- what do you t- think?"

Theodore put his fist on the side of his cheek trying to rest on it as he analyzes the content. "Forced rhymes, amateur-ish writing, some things doesn't connect and a cliché topic to tackle. But nevertheless its a good poem to start off with."

"I see!" Celaine's face lit up like a kid receiving a gift from Christmas. Her eyes were sparkling as she desired to know more on how to improve his writing. "What do you mean by forced rhymes?"

"You manipulate the next lines of text to rhyme the final word."

"T- that's true. That's why I had a hard time coming up with a new line of sentence!"

"Sometimes, poem doesn't need to rhyme as long as you relay the message. But sometimes, rhyming is fine too. You just need to find that style that is good for you. You already have a good foundation on what you're trying to do so the only thing that you need to do is improve on it."

"Ohhhh!!!" Celaine's face got even more brighter, "Theodore, have you written before or are you like an internet critique?"

He was confused on how to answer this since he is Adamo. Celaine's idol. "I've written before. I guess..."

Next chapter