
Log 5

Colette was silently staring at the cell door that the guard had closed, after taking 049 away. In all honesty, she was utterly speechless to what had just happened, and yet she was actually happy. If that made any sense.

No one told her anything that apparently happened, and the only one who told her anything was 049. Plus he actually came to see her by escaping his cell, which was something that floored her. Just how did he get out?

What kind of distraction did he cause?

All of this was mind boggling to her.

Just what is he?, asked Colette to herself now as she stood there and stared at the door in silence.

Would she find the answers if she was to read the journal that he has made for her? Or would she be left with even more questions?

She just didn't know, for her mind couldn't fathom anything that had happened just now. But all that she could literally do now, was read that journal. Due to it being the only thing that she had to fully understand anything that was going on. So that was what she was going to do. Anything was better than nothing.

Slowly but surely...

Colette looked behind herself toward her bed, where she had hid the journal that he had made her. Softly did she turn around and approach her bed now, while her heart raced within her chest.

Just what kind of information was inside the journal? What would be the first thing that she was going to read within it?

The only way that she was to find out, was to read it right now.

Colette shifted herself to sit down onto her bed, as she reached her hand toward the pillow. Which hid the journal from view, but she blinked in surprise to a voice. A voice that she was quick to recognize.

"Colette!?! Are you alright!?!" the voice which held concern on the other side of the door belonged to Dr. Cade.

"Huh! Oh yes I am okay!" replied Colette now with wide eyes.

Colette looked at the door as it opened now, and sure enough did she watch Dr. Cade walk inside. The look on the doctors face, showed great concern and fear as she moved closer to Colette. "Oh thank god! When they told me that 049 was in here! I honestly feared for your safety!"

"R-really...?" blinked Colette in great surprise. Dr. Cade looked to be pale in the face right now, which scared Colette a bit.

"Yes! 049 was very agitated! Unlike anything that we have seen!" exclaimed Dr. Cade as she looked Colette over. "He didn't touch you did he!?!"

"No...?" replied Colette softly. She went silent as Dr. Cade let out a huge sigh of relief with her eyes closed.

"I am glad that you are okay!" smiled Dr. Cade now as she looked at Colette.

"Yeah I am fine!" smiled Colette some before blinking a few times as she said. "If you are that worried then why didn't you come see me?"

"I'm so sorry! I would of but I was told not to." replied Dr. Cade as she looked to her side. "We had a few things to discuss so..."

"Oh like a meeting?" asked Colette curiously.

"Yeah." replied Dr. Cade with a small smile. "It was rather important."

"Oh okay?" smiled Colette in reply before looking down silently. She then looked at Dr. Cade for a little bit before saying, "At least tell me this? Am I in trouble?"

Dr. Cade looked at her in great surprise to her question, and she smiled before replying to her. "You are not in trouble. Though one of our doctors, suspects that it wouldn't be wise to let you and 049 to get much closer than you are?"

Colette went silent to her words, as she felt a strange sense of loneliness enter her heart. It baffled her greatly, especially since she didn't know 049 all that long. And yet, just hearing this news made her feel very sad. "Really..?" she finally managed to say in a soft tone.

"Yes." replied Dr. Cade. "049 is acting so very different to you, that they fear that his attachment may actually harm you or worse."

"I see...?" lightly smiled Colette as she tries to hide the pain within her chest. Why does she feel like this all of a sudden? "Does 049 know of this?"

Dr. Cade shook her head softly as she looked toward the camera that was ripped off of the wall, within Colette's cell. Her eyes went wide when she realized what she was looking at. "Wait! What happened to that camera!"

"Oh! Uh 049 did that?" replied Colette as she looked at Dr. Cade with a nervous smile. "He doesn't like cameras."

"Hm, looks like we need to fix it." smiled Dr. Cade now. "The camera is for your safety after all?"

Colette looked at the camera now before looking at Dr. Cade in silence. She then thought about what 049 had said to her, when he was in the cell with her. His words were clear as day, within her head.

They threatened him, and told him of hurting her if he doesn't do as they say.

Should she ask Dr. Cade that?

Would that be wise to ask?

"When will the camera be fixed?" asked Colette whose eyes were fixed on the camera now. She seriously thought against asking Dr. Cade anything, especially since everyone seemed to be on edge at this moment.

"I will get someone in here to fix it in a day or two?" nodded Dr. Cade who smiled at her.

"Okay." smiled Colette lightly. She then cautiously asked Dr. Cade something. "Can I uh see 049 tomorrow?"

Dr. Cade looked at her sharply with wide eyes, before looking away with her eyes narrowed some. "I don't know if that would be a good idea?"

"Please? I at least want to tell him what was you know decided? Please!" continued Colette softly in an almost pleading tone.

Dr. Cade was quiet now as she looked at Colette in further surprise. The look on her face said quite a lot, for she didn't expect Colette to plead with her. It took quite a bit of time before Dr. Cade finally said something however. "I will see okay? But I can't promise anything?"

Colette could only nod in response as she remained on the bed, which was in her cell. Her eyes were looking at Dr. Cade now, as she watched the doctor walk toward her cell door.

"Oh!" gasped Colette as she remembered her mother. "How is my mom?"

Dr. Cade looked at her calmly and she smiled toward her. "She is well actually!"

"Is she!" jumped up Colette in her happiness and relief.

Dr. Cade smiled bigger than before as she nodded at Colette. "Yes! She is doing well! I even checked in on her this morning and she looked to be stable!"

"Thank god...!" sighed Colette softly as she eased back down onto her bed. It literally was like so much weight was lifted off of her shoulders.

Dr. Cade watched her reaction with her smile still evident, but she blinked to a voice. "So how is she doing?"

Colette looked up the moment she had heard the voice, for it was Dr. Collins who had asked this question.

"She is okay." replied Dr. Cade as she stood next to the door. Her eyes were even locked onto Dr. Collins as he entered the cell now.

"That is good to hear! I was actually worried for her safety!" nodded Dr. Collins who had a look of relief on his face.

Colette was silent now as she watched Dr. Collins closely from where she was sitting. That feeling of discomfort entered her being as she looked at him now, and it grew the moment that she had seen his face.

There was just something off about Dr. Collins.

Dr. Cade softly walked out of the room, as she said. "I will be right back."

"Okay! Take your time!" chimed Dr. Collins as he watched Dr. Cade leave the room with a smile.

Seeing Dr. Cade leave, made Colette all the more scared. She honestly didn't want to be alone in the same room as Dr. Collins, but unfortunately she was.

Colette could only watch him as he looked at her now, and she felt her heart jump in her chest as he turned to face her now. Her eyes were locked onto him, as he messed with the glasses that were over his eyes. "So 049 didn't like that we kept you away from him?"

"Huh..?" blinked Colette now in light surprise.

Dr. Collins smiled at her as he crossed his arms over his chest. "Two weeks were how long you two were apart. Within that time he showed a form of separation anxiety?"

Colette looked at him in confusion, before speaking up cautiously. "Why did you keep me in here for that long then?"

Shrugging his shoulders slightly with his arms still crossed over his chest, Dr. Collins merely smirked. "I just wanted to see what would happen?"

Colette was silent as she looked at him, she then lowered her eyes to the floor of her cell. She lifted her eyes as Dr. Collins continued talking. "049 showed heightened agitation which actually turned into aggression. He killed quite a few of our men."

"Killed...?" gasped Colette in disbelief.

Dr. Collins nodded at her as he removed his arms from his chest. "Yes. He killed quite a few guards. Oh but not any normal guards, but guards who have been said to yell, shout, and push you around."

"H-huh..?" blinked Colette with wide eyes. This news was puzzling as well as it was terrifying.

Dr. Collins merely smiled some as he looked at the busted camera that was in her cell. "049 was very coordinated with his attacks, and who would of thought that he would make a distraction to just see you?"

Colette felt funny as Dr. Collins continued to talk to her. All of this information was a lot to take in. After all she was left in the dark, and no one told her anything. Then all of a sudden, she is being told so many things at once that it left her unbelievably stunned. Astonished even to be told such things.

"Tell me? Did he give you the journal?" asked Dr. Collins curiously. "If so? It maybe wise to give it to me?"

Colette was quick to look at him when he asked this. "He didn't give me anything?"

"Oh? But I could of swore that he made you a journal?" continued Dr. Collins who pointed at her with a look that said that he remembered it. "I was there when 049 brought it up?"

A strong chill went down Colette's spine now as Dr. Collins talked about the journal that 049 has made for her. That strong feeling of fear entered her being at this moment. The journal that he was talking about was under the pillow on her bed. Not that he knew where it was. "He didn't give it to me yet?"

She lied only cause her fear was that great.

Dr. Collins looked at her silently before tilting his head. "Really?"

Colette merely nodded in reply, but she blinked as Dr. Collins walked over to her and actually sat down beside her. This action was a big surprise to her, that and she didn't want to be so close to Dr. Collins. But his words definitely caught her attention.

"Look I'm doing this to help you." spoke Dr. Collins in a rather caring tone of voice. "That journal has some horrible things in it. Things that may actually scar a person's psych or worse?"

Colette was silent as she glanced at him, and afterwards did she look down in deep thought.

Did he speak the truth or was he just saying that to scare her?

She didn't know for sure, and so remained quiet.

Dr. Collins was silent as well as he remained sitting beside of her. He was actually waiting for her to say anything to him, and was absolutely certain that she would say something to him about the journal's whereabouts. But what happened next, was the opposite of what he was expecting. Due to her remaining quiet. He could only laugh a bit in response.

Colette looked at him as she heard him laugh a bit, but still refused to say anything to him. Even though what he had said earlier, did actually scare her to some extent.

"Okay. I guess I will have to ask you again another time?" sighed Dr. Collins with his eyes closed.

Colette frowned some at his words, but she expected this from him. Her eyes however went wide as Dr. Collins looked at her now with a raised eyebrow. "Who knows maybe we will get your mother to ask you where it is?"

What did he mean by that!?!, yelled Colette mentally as she looked at him surprised. Was that a subtle way of threatening her mother and her!

Just hearing him say that to her, made her feel so very scared. She even felt helpless.

Would he actually do something to her mother if she didn't comply with his demands?

If that really was the case then that meant that these people were horrible human beings. The worst of the worst.


Silence fell over the both of them now, as Colette looked at Dr. Collins and vice versa. The look on his face actually showed a hint of amusement, which made Colette feel sick to her stomach.

"Well I will let you think about it?" smiled Dr. Collins as he made his way to her door. He however stopped before the door so that he can look at her with his trademark smile. It was like he was innocent and didn't say or do anything wrong. "Rest well!?!"

Colette could only watch as he walked out of the door, and the sound of the door closing was the only sound that had filled up her cell.

She was alone again, but didn't know for how long.

"I can't believe that guy...!" hissed Colette now as she hugged herself. She felt so angry and uncomfortable right now, that she could literally scream. But thought against it.

Furthermore her head was hurting, from all that was told to her.

She of course knew and heard that 049 was dangerous, but she didn't think that he was so dangerous that he actually killed armed guards. Now thinking about it further, 049 didn't have any weapons or blood on him when he had entered her cell. Just how exactly did he kill those guards?

He even said that it was not that hard to get out of his cell. So that meant that he had escaped before right?

Colette merely looked at the pillow, which was on top of the journal that Dr. Collins was looking for. She then looked back at the door in question, before looking all around her cell. Her cell was far different than 049's as far as she could tell and remember.

"He's dangerous and even an escape artist?" some what laughed Colette. "Heh! So bizarre!"

Colette laughed a bit more as she laid down onto her bed with a smile. She closed her eyes for only a second, before opening them as Dr. Cade's voice spoke up. "Colette?"

"Yes?" replied Colette as she softly got back up from her bed. It did dawn on her that Dr. Cade had mentioned about coming back.

"I asked if it would be possible for you to talk to 049, and you have been given permission to." replied Dr. Cade. "You can talk to him for a little bit, but you are not to tell him about the decision of keeping you two apart."

Colette was surprised by that, but she should of known that she couldn't tell him about that. After all it might make him angry. "Okay."

The sound of the door opening by Dr. Cade, filled the room now as she held the door open for Colette. Once Colette had stepped outside, did she follow Dr. Cade to 049's cell.

Colette didn't expect seeing 049 again today so soon, after what had happened with him escaping his cell. But here she was, going to see him again. Two times in one day.

Dr. Cade was in front of her as she led Colette to the cell of 049. It was clear that she looked somewhat uneasy as she looked at Colette as she spoke. "You only have a few minutes to talk. So say what is on your mind. Who knows when you will talk again."

"Okay." nodded Colette as she said her reply.

However Dr. Cade walked by the empty cell which was 049's, and this made Colette very confused. She didn't see 049 in his cell, but why was that?

"Uh where is he?" asked Colette now.

"He is in a holding cell." replied Dr. Cade.

"Holding cell?" blinked Colette in question.

Dr. Cade nodded at her as she continued, "He will be placed in a different cell from now on. He is far too dangerous to be left in his old cell."

This was a good surprise to Colette, as she followed Dr. Cade to another cell which was further away from her own. Her surprise only grew as her and Dr. Cade got onto an elevator which was activated with a keycard.

Dr. Cade was looking at the floor numbers as the elevator descended downwards. The doctor wasn't the only one watching the floor numbers, but so was Colette whose eyes were visibly wider. "So is this where he will be from now on?"

"Yes." nodded Dr. Cade. "It is safer this way."

The sound of the elevator reaching their target floor, made a distinct beeping sound. Afterwards did the doors slide open, to allow them off. As the both of them got off of the elevator, did they walk down a hallway which leads to 049's new cell.

Dr. Cade stopped halfway down the hallway however as she looked at Colette, who looked back at her in question.

"Go talk with him. I will be here waiting for you." replied Dr. Cade.

Colette looked surprised by this but she allowed a small smile to emerge from her lips. "Okay!"

Once she had said this to Dr. Cade, did she walk down the hallway alone. Once she had reached the end of it, did she see the new cell that held 049. But she didn't see him right away, so was confused. "Hello?" asked Colette as she walked closer to the cell which was a tad bit bigger than his old cell.

"Colette! It is good to see you so soon!" replied 049 who had stood up immediately and approached the glass wall the moment he had heard her voice.

"Hey!" smiled Colette to him. "I was worried about you!"

049 calmly chuckled at her words, "Ah I see? The tables have turned it seems? But I am well, worry not!"

Colette smiled at him and she watched him lean against the glass wall with his arms crossed. He was looking at her in great interest, and appeared to be in better spirits. "Looks like we will always be worrying about each other huh?"

"It would seem so?" laughed 049. "We are colleagues after all."

Colette nodded at him and her smile turned into a grin, but what she didn't expect was to suddenly cry before him. It couldn't be helped though, for she was thinking about her mother and what would happen to her if she doesn't give Dr. Collins the journal.

Her teary eyes went wide to 049, who was looking at her with wide eyes as well. The look on his face was of that of genuine surprise. Though the mask hid his face from view, she could literally imagine how he looked behind the mask. Quickly she lowered her eyes, just so she could wipe them of tears.

While she did this, was she unaware of how much her tears affected 049. Her tears made him feel so much pain and sadness, all at once. Colette's sadness was on par to the pestilence to the entity, which was very surprising to even him. He hated to see her look like this. It bothered him in such a way, that there was an unknown heaviness within his chest.

Furthermore why was she crying?

049 was not sure, so spoke up slowly. "Colette...?"

Colette heard him speak and so looked up at him apologetically. But she looked at him in surprise, only cause she now took notice of the sound of his voice. It sounded so painful, but why?

It then occurred to her, was he sounding like that because she was crying?

"I am so sorry for crying all of a sudden!" apologized Colette who tried to smile at him.

"Why do you cry, Colette?" asked 049 who was not leaning against the glass wall now. His voice sounded different as well, due to him taking deep breaths. He sounded very bothered, like he was upset.

Colette looked at him with wide eyes for she was worried for him, she then carefully put her hand onto the glass wall before him. "I will tell you but I need you to calm down okay? Don't want you having an attack or something because of me?", she smiled at him with her eyes closed. She really was trying to reassure him, for her features showed it.

She watched him curiously while still smiling as she opened her eyes, and she looked a little surprised to him slowly placing up a black gloved hand to place before her own, which was opposite from hers.

Hearing light laughter from 049 now after a little bit of time, did she see him nod with his eyes closed. He seemed calmer now, and so proceeded to talk to him.

"I am worried for my mom." softly spoke Colette to 049. "You see? She is here somewhere?"

"I see. I suppose that makes sense as to why you cried just now." replied 049 as he looked at her calmly.

Colette nodded at him with a little smile, she softly removed her hand from the glass wall. "I should of told you sooner! I'm sorry?"

"It is okay, Colette." nodded 049 who removed his hand from the glass wall now. Though he kept his attention onto her, as he crossed his arms. "I believe that your mother is fine."

Colette smiled a bit more, as she looked at him. "You seem so sure?"

Should she tell him that she was also threatened?

Or would that be a bad idea?

"Heh. I am sure." calmly laughed 049 now.

She figured that he was saying that to sooth her worries, and for that she was grateful.

Colette laughed softly as she smiled for she felt a bit better than before, she however looked down the hall at the sound of approaching footsteps. Tilting her head curiously did she see Dr. Cade, who was calmly walking over. "Oh! Is time up?" asked Colette now.

Dr. Cade stopped next to her as she looked at 049 who looked at her as well. "No. I couldn't help but overhear somethings?"

Colette felt great concern when Dr. Cade had said that, but blinked at 049. "Is it about the fact that we talked about her mother?"

Dr. Cade looked at him silently when he had asked this. She shifted her gaze to Colette who looked very tense and worried.

"Yes." replied Dr. Cade. "I have even taken notice of how you act around her." continued Dr. Cade as she looked at 049. "Tell me? What are you planning?"

Colette was quick to blink in surprise, as she looked at the two of them in shock. Not to mention that Dr. Cade looked rather serious right now, like she was looking at an enemy.

"I am not planning anything." replied 049 as he gave Dr. Cade a blank look.

"Really? I don't believe you." frowned Dr. Cade. "From all of the data we have gotten from you. I just know that you are up to something! You always are!"

Colette looked at her silently, with a lost look onto her features. Yet her mind went into overdrive, as she thought more about it. "So you don't trust him?" asked Colette slowly. She was very nervous, and it was evident upon her face.

"No I don't." replied Dr. Cade. "He has done way too much stuff for my liking."

In response to Dr. Cade, 049 allowed a small but cold laugh to escape him with a look that was rather detached. "Oh? What about the things that you and the other people here do? Are we so different?"

"I don't trust him and neither should you." firmly spoke Dr. Cade who looked at Colette. She however glared at 049's words, before turning away from him.

Her words made Colette blink in bewilderment, up until Dr. Cade walked away from 049 and her. Colette was silent the entire time, as Dr. Cade left entirely from their view.

The tension that was in the air, remained up until 049 spoke up.

"So who do you trust, Colette?" asked 049 as he shifted his gaze onto her. His right hand was even up and underneath his chin, looking at her very interested to hear her answer.

"Who do I trust..?" softly replied Colette with wide eyes.

"Yes?" replied 049. "I really want to know?"

Colette was silent now as she looked at him, and as she stared at him did she see that he was very curious. Even his eyes displayed it strongly, as he kept his interest on her.

Who did she trust?

Well if she had to think about it more rationally, the people here treated her differently. They kept her in the dark, and took her mother away from her. Then there was Dr. Collins, for the guy actually threatened her as well as her mother. Though it was subtle, it was still a threat.

Her and her mother were actually taken away from their normal lives, and were placed somewhere else. This place and its people here treated her like a criminal. When she wasn't one. Hell she is learning to be a doctor! Was that so wrong!

Lastly there was Dr. Cade who was nice to her that much was true, but she seemed to be hiding things from her as well. She somewhat showed that she cared for her at times, and yet there still was something that she was keeping from her.

Just what is going on in this place!?!


Slowly coming out of her thoughts, with her eyes now looking down at her feet. She saw the white shoes that were on her feet, much like the orange outfit that she was wearing.

The glass wall was in front of her eyes much like the large cell of 049. Speaking of 049, did she look at him curiously on the other side of the wall, and saw that he was still waiting for her to speak.

She couldn't help but say her response after a bit more thought, and from the looks of it. 049 actually showed a bit of surprise to it. "I trust you, 049."

Colette's voice was soft, probably due to her being scared of Dr. Cade hearing her.

049 chuckled in response to her, with his right gloved hand remaining under his chin. Even his eyes shifted some behind his mask, to show his humor. "My, my, you never fail to surprise me."

Colette smiled a bit at him, for he spoke in that hushed tone again. He was even leaning toward her some, with his head lowered so that they were at eye level. "What about you?" asked Colette to him now. "Do you trust me?"

She kept her eyes on his own, when she asked him this. Colette could even see his eyes shift ever so slightly to her words.

"Yes. I trust you." responded 049 as he allowed himself to laugh toward her. His voice never once changed from his earlier hushed tone, for it was like he was whispering it to her and only her. "Probably more than those who are within this building."

It was Colette's turn to show surprise but it was only for a few seconds. "I'm glad!", she giggled her reply to him.

049 nodded toward her with his eyes still somewhat level to her own, his shoulders faintly shook due to his laughter that he let out again. Her response pleased him and it definitely showed within his eyes and mannerisms. "Likewise, Colette."

Colette kept her smile for a moment longer, before it went away some. "I have to go now. Hopefully we will talk again real soon?"

"Of course." replied 049 cordially as he closed his eyes to her. She could almost imagine him smiling behind his mask of porcelain white.

Just seeing that face from him, it actually got to her more than she had originally thought. It was then that she remembered that the two of them would be apart, or so it was discussed at that meeting that Dr. Cade had went to. She didn't want to be alone again.

After all, she actually liked her talks with 049. Of course use to, she felt uncomfortable around him. But that feeling was much lesser now. Colette actually wanted to talk to him more, she actually wanted to get to know him more.

The face that she was making now looked to be forlorn in nature. She just couldn't help it, for she would be alone in her cell again for god knows how long. Hopefully they wouldn't keep her in her cell again for two weeks, but she didn't know that for sure.

However she blinked her eyes to the soothing voice that belonged to 049, it really was like he was always watching her and the faces that she would make. "Do not make such a face, Colette. We will see each other again real soon. This I promise you."

Colette's expression changed in that instant, for she was happy to hear those words from him. She honestly believed them, so grinned. "Okay!"

049 nodded to her, and his eyes stared at her grinning face for a time. That face of hers, seemed to intrigue the entity greatly. He didn't doubt that she was happy that he had said those words to her. Colette was indeed very trusting of him, and he could tell by how she acts around him.

It was fascinating to see her so open, and happy around him all of the time now.

She was gradually becoming something of importance to him, and yet he was unaware of it yet. Or he knew that already and didn't fully know how to act. Either way this was new to him, and he didn't fully know what to do around her. All that he did know was that, he liked it when she was happy. While her saddened expression and tears, bothered him more than he thought was possible.

They had a connection, they must of?

Colette softly began to walk away from him now, with her head looking at him still. "Talk to you again soon!"

049 watched her go, as he straightened his posture. He of course nodded to her with his eyes closed, and allowing himself to wave lightly to her in goodbye. "Au revoir."

Colette stopped in light surprise to him saying his goodbye to her in French all of a sudden. She knew a little bit of French but that was it, and she knew that was how goodbye was said. Of course to her stopping at his goodbye, did she hear him chuckle in light amusement. No doubt that she looked silly right now.

Laughing a bit to herself, did Colette wave to him with a smile before continuing on her way to meet Dr. Cade.

Dr. Cade from what she saw was standing in front of the elevator, and was waiting for her. "Are you ready to head back?", asked Dr. Cade curiously.

"Yes! Sorry for making you wait!" apologized Colette as she stopped next to Dr. Cade.

The sound of the elevator doors opening before them made a distinctive 'ding' noise. Colette stepped onto the elevator with Dr. Cade as the elevator doors closed before them.

Colette watched the floors curiously, as the elevator moved upwards. While Dr. Cade was silent as she was staring at the elevator doors with a blank expression. It didn't really take long for Colette to feel the tension within the elevator, as she glanced at Dr. Cade.

Looking away from Dr. Cade slowly, did Colette feel a sense of nervousness and fear that entered her heart.

Was Dr. Cade mad about something?

Is there a chance that she may of heard her say that she trusted 049?

Colette honestly was to scared to say anything, let alone swallow the saliva that was within her mouth. She almost jumped when she heard Dr. Cade speak to her, the moment the elevator doors opened to let them off. "Follow me."

Dr. Cade walked in front of her, and she followed her though she was slow in doing so.

The only reason why she was following her so slowly, was that Dr. Cade and her were on a different floor. Nothing on this floor looked familiar to Colette, and that terrified her. Dr. Cade stopped before a door without saying anything to her.

Slowly walking up to her, Colette literally had to hug herself, just to calm herself down. She looked at the door before her, and then glanced up at Dr. Cade in both submission and terror.

"Go on." instructed Dr. Cade.

Colette meekly nodded to her in reply, as she turned the doorknob and opened it. Once she had opened it, did she walk inside a room which looked similar to the interrogation room that she had asked 049 questions in. The only difference was that she was on the side that 049 was on.

Turning her head around curiously at the opened door, did her eyes snap shut to the door being abruptly slammed behind her.

"Take a seat." instructed a masculine voice that was behind a glass wall but the glass was darkly tinted. She literally couldn't even see the silhouette of the man who was asking her questions.

"O-okay." stammered Colette as she sat down in the chair which was in the room. She cautiously rested her arms on the table in front of her as she looked in the direction of the voice. Her fear at this moment was quite extreme, so much in fact that her body was shivering like it was freezing.

"We are going to ask you some questions. So it would be advisable to tell us the truth." firmly spoke the mans voice.

"Yes...okay." replied Colette softly as she stared at the dark colored glass wall that was before her.

"Good. We will also tell you somethings that you would like to know in return. Sound fair?" continued the voice.

Colette nodded in her reply, as she felt her heart beat unbelievably fast.

This seriously was happening to her, and all that she could do now was listen to what he has to say to her. If things go well enough then maybe it would work in her favor. But there was still that chance that something could go wrong.

They could still screw her over, even if she did tell them what they wanted to hear. Silently she looked at the black glass wall, and waited for them to speak.

As Colette and 049 continue to get closer, does Colette see that this place and its people are not as what they seem. Has she placed her trust into the right person which is 049, or is he really planning something? Find out in the next chapter! ^^

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