

Xiang Wai's attention was on her phone as she walked towards her car. Suddenly, someone held her arm and pulled her back. She looked up to see a cyclist that passes speedily from right where she stood a moment ago. 

Her back was against someone's chest and she tilted her to face the person who pulled her back. 

"Watch where you're going," she heard a voice from above her. Saying that the man let her go and stepped away.

She actually didn't need his help. Even if that cyclist didn't make a sound as he came towards her, she'd have been able to save herself purely on instinct. However, since someone did step up to help, she had to say, "Thanks."

"It's okay," replied the man good-naturedly.

His voice sounded pleasant to listen to but she couldn't see his face at all. After all, he was wearing a black mask, a black baseball cap, and even black sunglasses. In all honesty, he looked very suspicious like this.

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