
Chapter 4: First Day

"Hey, have you seen the movie yesterday?"

"Yeah! It was so awesome!"

"About the guild who conquered the west..."

"I saw it too..."

First week of June.

Streets are bustling with students by the start of a new school year. Everyone can tell that the city is as lively as ever.

I saw the crouching grandma from the other side of the road trying to cross the road with her cart. However, it won't budge no matter how hard she tried to push it as one of its tires is stuck on the drainage. I quickly approached her and asked if she needs help. I carefully removed the tire from the drainage and grandma thanked me for helping.

"Grandma, please tell me where you're going and I'll help you take this cart there."

"Oh, you don't need to do that. I can't thank you enough for helping me unstuck my cart earlier. Here, take this."

Grandma handed me a bowl of congee* that she is selling.


"You don't need to give me your congee grandma, I'm just happy to be of help."

"Don't speak nonsense, kid. This is all I can give you as a token of gratitude. Don't tell me you're going to refuse to grant an old lady's simple wish?"

"Hehehe... Thank you for this congee. I'll eat it right away!"

I bid farewell to the grandma while eating the congee in my hands. I faintly heard her muttering something as I walk away.

"Kids really need to be healthy especially these days... You're the only hope of this nation."


After 30 minutes of walking, I arrived in front of Denver Academy's large steel gate. Seeing other students entering the school grounds, I nervously exhaled,


Here I go!

I went inside the gates of the school towards my new classroom with full determination.

A few moments later...

Standing at the classroom's door, I dumbfoundedly stared at the scene before me.



Why is he here???

Informally sitting at the second row of the classroom, the intimidating blonde man shouted at the female student in front of him. The student smiled, albeit irritated, calmly replied,

"You see, I won't be able to properly sit in my chair if you don't remove your feet above it. I was just hoping you could put your feet down so that I can sit."

"Don't wanna. What makes you think you can order me around?"

Having enough of the trash talk, the student's face distorted into a frown and nerves started appearing on her forehead.

"Just put your feet down or I'll tell the professor about this!"

"I'm minding my own freakin' business here! Can't you be more quiet?!?"

"Well, YOUR BUSINESS is clearly affecting other people! Of course I wouldn't comply!"

Meanwhile on the back of the classroom, the cyan-haired boy is suffering on a crisis himself.

"Eeek! I'm so sorry!"

"Shhh! Be quiet, can you? What if someone started to think badly of me just because you were heard?"

I think everyone hears you.

"Be quiet and just give me your allowance, alright? I can't afford to be looked down on anybody just 'cause I lack some money."

"B-but this is only what I hav-"

"Did I tell you to talk? Shut up and give me the money!"

"Iieee! S-sorry!"

... Is this really a hero school? This is the first day and I already see some of my classmates mugging and some having their internal disputes.

I carefully walked inside the classroom and sat on the middle of the back row, avoiding other people. Thankfully, no one seemed to notice me.


"Psst. Hey, move your head. I can't see them."

Turning my head to the third row on the left side, I saw the same black-haired student I met at the academic entrance exam. He is busy filming the conflicts happening in the classroom using his phone. I seemed to be blocking his camera.


I quickly moved my head towards the table and started pulling out some notebooks and pen. I opened up the book and started writing on my notebook. Then the black-haired student curled up his lips and started teasing me, stopping his camera video.

"Ooh... Hardworking I see..."

I tried ignoring him and focused on my notes. However, the cries of the student at the corner of the row doesn't let me focus at all. In fact, hearing all of that makes me recall the bullying I got from when I was in elementary and middle school.

I silently closed my notebook and stood up. I slowly walked towards them.

"Is this it?!? This is how much you can give me? You useless piece of trash!"


The man raised his fist and proceeded to punch. I was gonna stop him but before I could do anything, the blonde-haired man appeared and grabbed the man's wrist before he could punch the boy.

"The hell d'you think you're doing?"

"Huh? Let go of me, you mudface!"

"... What did you just call me?"

Veins started appearing on the blonde student's face and he started emitting a scary aura. Other students flinched in fear, but the mugging student isn't even fazed with it and bickered back at him. I tried to stop them from fighting but it was no use. They wouldn't budge even a little. The other student shouted,


"Alright, that's enough. I'M GONNA KILL YOU RIGHT NOW."

"You wanna go, huh? Do you think I'm afraid of you?!?"

The blonde student lifted the other student's collar and they glared daggers at each other.

"This is getting troublesome. Isn't it about time you step up, professor?"

Startled, we turned our heads to the black-haired student who spoke. The silent student in the first row near the door suddenly stood up, prompting us to turn our attention towards him. He walked towards the blackboard and wrote his name while we silently watch him do so. He spoke,

"Alright. I was gonna observe you from afar so that I'll be able to sort out your personalities but this is getting pretty far."

He halted writing at the chalkboard and faced us. His long black hair with yellow ends waved and his brown skin glistened to the sun rays passing through the window. His gravity-defying aura rose as he looked at where the commotion has happened. He grumpily spoke,

"I'll introduce myself. I am Professor Qiang Shanqu*, your adviser for this schoolyear. "

*(Qiang-strong, Shanqu-mountain)

He devilishly smiled as he started announcing a surprising news.

"Since y'all are very lively to spat each other first thing in the morning, why don't we have a little lesson in the combat room right now?"

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