
Chapter 108 Preparing for school festival

Aizawa- "It's time for the School Festival."

Everyone- "YEAH!"

Yeah, it's finally time for the school festival to start. It's been a bit more than a couple of weeks since the Hassaikai raid and a couple of days since my last stat update.

The school festival is finally kicking off. Unlike the sports festival, this event is more of a chance for the other courses besides the hero course to take the spotlight. But still…

Aizawa- "We need some kind of exhibition for our class. You'll be deciding what that will be today."

After saying that, he slides back into his sleeping bag, and goes to sleep. Damn, I haven't seen that yellow sleeping bag in a long while…

Momo and Tenya step up to lead the class into choosing what we'll do today.

Tenya- "Those with suggestions, please raise your hands!"

And like that, literally, everyone raises their hands. Including me.

Momo- "Arata!"

As expected of my dear girlfriend she immediately chooses me first. Let's just get this over and done with.

Arata- "A concert."

Tenya- "Nice idea!"

Tenya writes my idea on the board. Then, a flood of other random ideas came in. Haunted House, Mochi Stall, Petting Zoo, Deathmatch- wait, what the fuck?

Momo- "We're not having a deathmatch."

Momo says while striking that idea.

Katsuki- "Tch…"

It was you!?

Ideas continued coming, one after the other. Denki even suggested a maid café, which, I gotta say, I'm totally on board for as a second option.

But no, in the end, we decided on doing a concert because it's something everyone can take part in. We almost went ahead with the maid café. Well, it's reasonable. The only reason Tenya didn't accept this in canon was because Lunch Rush could make better food and people would rather go to him for lunch than their café.

But since they have me, they decided it had a good fighting chance.

But no, we went ahead with the concert. I mean, I would be cooking, the girls would be serving the customers as maids, while everyone else… would just stand there in the corner like decoration. It won't be something we can all take a part in.

After that, I didn't interfere anymore in this affair. Technically, I'm not part of this class in the first place, so I couldn't exactly participate. I mean, I could. I have the right to, but… I decided against it.

Well, someone has to look after Eri, right? She isn't as close to Mirio, or anyone for that matter, as she was in canon. I mean, she's close to most of the people in 1A at this point, but they're all participating in the concert in the first place, which defeats the purpose. So if I were to participate in the dance, she would either have to stay in the dorms or stand in the crowd all alone.

And no way am I letting her choose the second option. Just imagining her pitiful state as she's all alone in a sea of people is enough to make my heart wrench.

So, I decided I'll stay with her while everyone else has their fun. So I don't bother inserting myself in this conversation… no, wait, couldn't I supply some tech to make this better?

Toru- "I think you should sing, Jiro! When we were in your room, your voice was so cool!"

Kyoka- "N-no way! Come on, stop messing around!"

Toru- "I'm serious though!"

Kyoka is getting flustered. She starts looking around for anyone who can save her and her eyes meet mine.

Ah fuck.

Kyoka- "What about you, Arata? You haven't really said anything, and you seem like the type who would be good at singing."

Everyone else turns to look at me, stares at my face for a moment, before agreeing.

The fuck do you mean I seem to be the type to be good at singing?

Bitch, I don't SEEM to be good at singing… I AM good at singing!

I smirk, put my hands in my pocket, before strolling up to the mic that appeared out of god-knows-where.

Fuck god by the way…


I grab the mic, clear my throat and open my mouth.

Arata- "Dame da ne dame yo dame na no yo

Anta ga suki de suki sugite

Dore dake tsuyoi osake demo

Yugamanai omoide ga baka mitai."

My singing was impeccable, everyone is crying tears of sadness. A heavy atmosphere sets into the room as everyone remembers a sad moment. For me, I remember nothing but pain.

Getting a 5-star drop on a banner pull but it turns out it's only a trash item Genshin Impact.

The absolute despair I felt then was intense. But I pulled through! And then Dio killed me with Truck-kun…

Man, that was a rollercoaster of emotions. I turn my attention back to everyone else. They're still trying to recover. Did the empathy effect of [Sixth Sense] kick in? Should I become a bard? Sing some songs for some buff effects.

But no, I didn't get the singer position. My song was too sad for what we're planning.

Time continued to pass, day after day. It was now the weekend. Surprisingly I got a text from Nejire through my neuro linker, telling me she wants to meet up. Of course, I immediately agreed. Since I'm not exactly doing anything and just playing around with Eri, we decided to meet up right now.

So I left the dorm and arrived at our meeting place. It's no place special, just a bench along the pathway to school. But it's directly at the halfway point between them, so it doesn't have any buildings here. Just trees. It makes quite nice scenery.

Nejire- "Arata! Over here!"

I hear a voice in the distance. I look over and see Nejire running towards me, waving her hand. I smile and wave back. Honestly, even her slightest actions can give me a bubbly feeling.

She quickly runs up to me, plops down beside me, and hugs me while rubbing her face into my chest. Mmm! Soft as always! And…

Arata- "Are you wearing perfume?"

Her hair smells different. It doesn't smell bad either.

Nejire- "Mmm? No, it's probably because I changed my shampoo this morning."

Oh, I guess I still haven't gotten entirely used to my heightened senses from my DEX stat boost.

Arata- "Anyway, what's up? Do you have something to talk about?"

Nejire- "What, so we can't just meet up for no reason?"

She looks up at me and pouts. So cute.

Arata- "No, it's not that. It just sounded like you wanted to tell me something."

I wryly smile at her. Nejire, in turn, just grins.

Nejire- "So you knew? Do you want me to tell you? Hey, do you?"

I chuckle at her antics. She always acts like this.

Arata- "Let me guess… is it… what your class is preparing for the festival?"

Nejire- "Boo, wrong! It's actually… I'm going to participate in this year's beauty pageant!"

Well, I knew that. But I don't show it on my face. [Mortal Control] already coming in clutch.

Nejire- "You'll come and watch me, right?"

Arata- "Hahaha! Of course, I will! When is it happening?"

Nejire- "Ah, it's going to start at…"

And we slowly derailed from the topic and talked about many other things. She got curious about what my class is planning, but I just told her it's a secret. She also asked how Eri is doing, and also asked me when would be a good time to meet with both Momo and Rumi.

They still need to "talk" after all.

But eventually, we stopped talking. She leaned into my chest as she rested her head on my shoulder and I had my arm around her.

I start thinking.

Should… I tell her? About my past life. And my abilities.


A/N: MC will tell her about his past life and abilities, it's already decided, so dont try to convince me otherwise.

MC: Yeah, I'm telling her because I think it's unfair that I told Rumi and Momo, but I didnt say anything to Nejire. So I'm going to do it.

AN: I'm also thinking of having MC tell Eri and Toru. I mean, I want them to join MC on his travels throughout the Multiverse, and I think it's best to just let them know.

DONT WORRY THOUGH! I don't plan on telling anyone else about MC's past life and true abilities unless MC wants to bring them along with him, and only then, he will only tell them at the last moment after he trusts them enough.

So yeah, let me know what you think.

Let me know if I missed anything!

Also consider dropping some power stones!

Next chapter