

Devastate looked at Baldur with a shocked look in his eyes, his comrade had fallen and there was no telling if he was alive. The air was still muggy but that did little to deter the hungry mouths of the blind. Blood was something they followed and Baldur had wounded Scarface obviously for that stale aroma was in the air.

"Worthy!?! Scarface was definitely worthy!", responded Devastate who looked at Baldur seriously. "We have to go get him!"

Baldur smirked at Devastate as he shook his head, "He's with that raptor, besides we have more important matters to attend too."

"What's more important than a life of a comrade!", growled Devastate.

Baldur smirked in such a heartless way, "That leader of your clan needs to be replaced. I believe you can help me out with that."

Devastate blinked looking at Baldur, his eyes lowered to where Scarface had fallen for a second. Choices were important but it could cost someone else. Watching Crusher and coming to terms that he knew nothing of ruling really sunk in. "I will take you to where the leader is.", responded Devastate as he looked away from where Scarface had fallen.

Baldur grinned as he spoke, "I will be sure to reward you afterwards."

Devastate lowered his cranium as he walked into the brush following the other clan mates trails they have left. Baldur followed right behind him with a look that was ready for blood.

Down the slope and into the heavy forest floor laid Scarface, he opened his eyes slowly and looked around curiously. His large frame began to move as he went to stand but he collapsed back down as a loud groan of pain erupted from his maw.

"Easy your hurt.", spoke the raptor who came out of the brush. In his claws he held a few small lizards that he had caught.

"What? Where is Devastate?", asked Scarface who huffed.

"He betrayed us, so much for him coming around huh?", replied the raptor who looked up with a scowl.

"He...!", Scarface groaned loudly in pain as he went to move. His eyes moved to where the pain was coming from and he looked shocked. Upon his left leg that went up to his side was a large laceration. The pain was unbearable and that was due to how deep it looked.

"I found some herbs that I already placed on the wound, but it needs a whole lot more than what I can find.", spoke the raptor who popped a small lizard into his maw.

Scarface looked around and huffed, "We need to go! We have to stop Devastate from making a mistake!"

The raptor looked at Scarface with a blank look, "You still wanna do that for someone who betrayed you?"

Scarface frowned, his eyes closed as he said, "He is not a bad behemoth. He just doesn't think a lot of the time."

The raptor laughed a bit, "Most behemoths don't think. They act on brute strength alone and flaunt their big bodies."

Scarface looked at the raptor with a weird look as he slowly moved to stand, his legs shook as he stood. He couldn't put much weight on his left leg which was a major problem. That meant that he couldn't fight all that well, and trying to run from a blind beast would prove to be impossible.

"You got determination that or you're crazy.", scoffed the raptor as he looked up at him.

"Say what you want, I know Devastate is not a bad brute. He is just putting his cards on the wrong side.", retorted Scarface as he slowly began to walk.

The raptor watched him silently before following, his sharp eyes looked around for any kind of movement. The forest around them was thick, little light was coming through the many trees. The many sounds of the blind beasts rang out around them. Where they were going was hard to tell since the area around them seemed different.

Scarface stopped as pain shot through him, his eyes lowered to the ground. The raptor looked up at him, he of course looked ahead as he said. "You are pushing yourself to hard. You need to think about what you are going to do when you get there."

Scarface looked at the raptor and huffed loudly, "I can't just stop! Who knows what that monster will do!"

The raptor looked up at him, his expression was composed as he said, "Charging in when you're hurt won't get you far. That so called monster will finish you off before you get anywhere near him."

Scarface looked down, a disheartening look appeared in his eyes, "..."

The raptor looked around before glancing up at Scarface, "I am sorry for saying that but sometimes thinking smart can ensure you to live longer."

His words were right, being smart would benefit him in the long run. It was just that he felt like he had to move fast to stop Devastate from doing something foolish. Devastate was clearly not thinking, to simply join forces with a rogue brute who they knew little about. It was absurd! That rogue had one thought in mind and that was to disrupt the clan.

If that rogue were to defeat Crusher and become the clan leader, there was no telling what changes he would make. Scarface didn't like how Crusher ran things but he felt that Crusher was really trying to make changes that would benefit everyone. Crusher was not like most behemoths, he honestly thought of others and wanted them to surpass themselves.

Sure, he made some decisions that made everyone furious but he was keeping things in order. Sacrifices must be made in order to make the clan flourish, even if it meant not raising offspring or cuddling with females.

"I will see if I can find some more herbs.", spoke the raptor as he dashed off into the brush.

Scarface watched him go and huffed, the wound he had gotten was really bad. How did he not die from such a wound? Perhaps, that raptor using those herbs saved him. That or he was really lucky? Scarface looked around slowly before looking up in thought, there was no doubt that Devastate was helping that rogue to change things in the clan.

He really hated that he didn't use his head all the time, if he did they wouldn't of had this problem. Scarface looked down with a glare, that rogue didn't need them. He just said that to reel in Devastate, after all he watched them closely from afar.

The clan was going to suffer and it was going to be all on Devastate. Scarface huffed lightly in a cruel way, to think that Devastate was gonna bring ruin to how the clan was run. Such a fitting name that the behemoth had.

Scarface blinked hearing something large, he looked around clearly aware. He looked to his wound with a displeased look, he really didn't want to fight with such a wound.

A few more steps made him snort as he tried his best to stand tall, as he did the pain shot through him causing him to flinch. "Bloody Hell...!", he hissed in aggravation.

However, a familiar face came from the brush and that made him glare sharply. Sawtooth of all the brutes to meet.

"Oh, that blood was you huh?", hissed Sawtooth with a twisted grin.

Scarface looked away as the behemoth approached him, "Why do you care?"

Sawtooth tapped his lower lip with a long claw looking like he was thinking long and hard about his response and he snickered, "I don't."

Scarface watched as Sawtooth stalked away, for once he was happy that he wasn't a blind beast. Sawtooth disappeared into the thick forestry and that made Scarface think. Why was he alone? Was he doing something suspicious?

He didn't know what Sawtooth was doing and he clearly didn't want to know. A light sound of a bush shaking made Scarface look over, and he looked down as the raptor walked up.

"I guess you saw ugly?", spoke the raptor.

Scarface gave a little smile, who would of thought that him and this raptor shared thoughts on how they portray Sawtooth. "Yeah."

The raptor looked at the little herbs he had found and he looked up at him, "We are going to need more than this."

"I will be fine with what you find.", responded Scarface as he looked at him.

The raptor scowled clearly not liking that answer, "We need a lot more than this. If your leg gets infected you are pretty much done for!"

Scarface blinked a little taken back, the raptor really was trying to work hard on keeping him alive. It was rather surprising. "We hardly know each other?"

The raptor looked down after he said these words, "Yeah, we don't but we are from the same clan. Besides, you were the one to ask me to join your little squad remember?"

Scarface sort of smiled weakly, he did and even went against Devastate to bring him along. "Yeah..."

The raptor merely nodded as he spoke, "I'll apply these herbs to your wound on the next break."

Scarface nodded as he slowly began to walk, each step from his left leg felt like fangs sinking into his flesh. The only trail that he had was Sawtooth that he could follow, he really didn't want to follow him but that was all that he had to go by.

Devastate looked troubled as he continued to walk, his cranium was down as he thought about what had happened to Scarface. The many trails had led him to closing in on Crusher and the rest of his clan. Baldur was following him, the smirk never left from his mouth.

Devastate felt horrible, he just left Scarface behind to simply die. He should of went back to find him. But that lingering feeling still remained. Crusher was not fit to lead only due to him doing whatever he wants. His rules were a joke! He wanted to end his rule! Though, he knew how Scarface felt about it. Everyone looked up to Crusher while he didn't, he felt like Crusher was abusing his power as leader.

That rule to not cuddle with females, he failed. Crusher was only thinking of himself and no one else, and he was tired of it. Devastate looked up and a familiar behemoth was far ahead of them. Crusher was standing there checking on a few clan mates. Devastate of course stopped, but once he did he watched as Baldur walked ahead of him.

"I challenge you!", roared Baldur who smirked at Crusher.

Crusher blinked as he looked toward Baldur, the few clan mates stopped and stared. Devastate could feel many eyes on him from where he stood. Baldur was before him, while he stood behind him.

"Very well.", responded Crusher who stood tall with the trike crown upon his cranium.

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