
Yule’s party at Millicent’s Mansion

Today, it is the first time that we return to England even if it is only for a night. We are going to a party hosted by minister Bagnold. My mom decided to make me wear a three-piece suit matching my dad's.

As my grandmother explained to me a few years ago when I was on her lap, Voldemort was defeated quite recently, so I guess there was a temporal transition of the Harry Potter events of a few years.

The Floo network is used to access the MACUSA offices. This Floo network is completely independent of the one in England, so we can't just go there from our chimney. My father had to buy tickets to use a Portkey that will take us across the Atlantic to London.

When we arrive at the MACUSA offices, my father takes me by the hand to force me to move forward while behind me the chimney light up again, and a new person comes out. The place doesn't look very different from the building I saw in the Fantastic Creatures' movies.

My parents hold me by the hand as they make their way through the crowd of people who walk the halls of the place. We finally arrive in a large hall where I read on a sign <Portkeys' room>.

"Your tickets, please." A man wearing a suit under his long coat looks bored to death behind his desk.

"Here they are." He grabs distractingly the tickets that my father gives him and begins to consult a kind of register.

"Are you the Bones family? Two adults and a child?" He looks up and sees my mother for the first time. All of a sudden, he straightens up and tries to quickly style a strand of imaginary hair.

"Yes, we are."

"Perfect! To go to London, it's the third gate on your left, the Portkey will leave in fifteen minutes. MACUSA and I wish you a great trip." My parents seem to be enjoying the change in the man's attitude. He's calling us out again as we walk away. "If you need anything, please let me know!"

We go to a wooden table placed in a recess in the wall. My parents put a hand on the table and don't seem to be in a hurry to move it. Other people are with us next to the table, busying themselves with a book or reading the newspaper, waiting for the Portkey to leave.

"Sean, you always have to hold Mom's hand on the trip and put the other hand on the table, it's very important." I already know a Portkey how works, but this is the first time I see one with the form of a normal object.

"Attention everyone. We're leaving in 20 seconds." An old man with a well-trimmed gray beard lays his hand on the table, checking the time on his pocket watch.

I mentally count the seconds as my stress rises as I apprehend my first magical journey. All of a sudden, I feel like I'm being sucked in while everything is spinning around me. For a second, I have the impression that the world is swirling at a fast pace and that all the colors are melting into each other.

The next second, we find ourselves in a completely different room covered from the floor to the ceilings with black tiles, the Ministry of Magic.

Arthur and Elena are looking at each other and around us as they are trying to spot a danger. I grab their hands and they seem surprised for a second before smiling at me and moving forward with me.

We walk quietly with the others to the exit where my parents then take out their wands to apparate at the Minister Bagnold's mansion.

When you arrive, the party is already in full swing. As soon as we got in the mansion, a woman came to see us accompanied by a girl who was about my age. I recognize them right away even if the girl looks much younger than in the movies, Amelia and Susan Bones. My aunt is a very tall woman with a square jaw and brown hair on her shoulders. She wears a very sober black evening dress that contrasts with my mother's white dress, it is day and night between the two women. Susan wears a pastel pink dress with white fur at the ends of the sleeves and on her collar, she has her hair styled in a mat that falls on her shoulder.

"Good evening, Arthur. I didn't know if you would come, you didn't answer my owl."

My father and his sister look each other in the eye, neither of them wanting to look down first. After a while, a smile appears on the face of my father who starts laughing with my aunt.

"Sorry, Amelia. But you look great. And you must be Susan, I've heard a lot about you." My dad bends over to Susan and gently pet her head.

Susan gives me a sneak peek. When I start to look at her, she hides behind Amelia blushing.

"I confess that when you wrote to me that your son did not look like you, I did not expect that. Nor did I expect that he would be a boy."

"That surprised us a lot too. I have a theory on the subject, but I don't want to talk about it here."

Amelia, who must be used to secrets, just nods her head.

"Are you coming back soon? Now that you-know-who is no longer of this world, England is again a safe place. I have a lot to do, and I would gladly make you the head of the family if you would take it back."

'We're not planning to come back any time soon, Amelia. We've rebuilt our lives there. Elena's mother joined us, and we managed to get accepted from a nice little town."

"What about when Sean is old enough to go to school? You don't plan to enroll him in Ilvermorny and break the family tradition?"

My parents look at each other and seem hesitant for a second, my mother finally answers. "We don't know yet, we already discussed it when Sean was born, but the time was still very dark. If the situation is still calm by then, maybe, we could think about it."

I secretly hope to be able to go to Hogwarts, I'll be on the front lines to make sure the fusion of universes hasn't changed history too much. In the worst-case scenario, I would be there to correct the problem.

"Sean, why don't you take Susan with you and go get other kids to play with?"

I nod and reach out to Susan. "Are you coming?" She looks at me and grabs my hand.

We begin to walk through the rooms of the manor in search of someone to play with Susan.

"How old are you?" I turn my head to Susan when I hear her question.

"Five years old, what about you?"

"I'm six years old. So, I'm the oldest." I look at her and I can't help but smile, if only she knew she was talking to someone who is mentally a 30-year-old. "How's it out there in America?"

"Well, I'm a little bored to tell you everything. My parents enrolled me in a Muggle school so I could make friends, but I am ... how do I say ... I'm way ahead of the other kids"

"Is it because Muggles are less intelligent?"

"No, I think I'm the problem here."

As we walk past the glass door that looks out onto the garden, I hear voices of children coming from a little further into the garden. "Come on, they must be in the garden."

As we get closer to the children's group, I realize that what I took to be children playing was actually an argument. On one side is a blond boy with his hair styled towards the back and on the other is a boy with black hair with a scar and glasses. There are a number of other kids around them. I think I recognize Neville and Ron in the crowd, for the others I'm not sure.

"So, Potter, are you scared? I was expecting more courage from the one who defeated You-Know-Who."

"Shut up Malfoy, I'll make you crawl on your slimy belly to the hole you call home." It seems that James' influence made Harry a little more aggressive than in the original story. And the fact that his parents are alive, probably means that he and Draco already knows each other.

"Susan, you should go get their parents. I think things are going to get ugly here." I approach the two boys. It is clear that the situation is about to explode and that a fight will begin soon. "Hi, if you can't stand each other, you should each go your own way. This mansion is big enough that you don't have to cross paths. " I try to put a friendly hand on Harry's shoulder, but to my amazement, his anger passes from Malfoy to me in a split second.

"Who do you think you are to tell me what to do." He pushes my hand back from his shoulder and tries to punch me in the face. The blow hits me in the cheek and makes me fall back.

All right, no more playing nice. I turn into an adult version of myself and grab Potter to push him to the ground and keep his arm behind in his back. All the children around us are amazed to see a five-year-old become an adult in seconds. I'm glad my parents enchanted most of my clothes, so they adapt to my size changes, otherwise I'd be as naked as a worm.

I hope his behavior is due only to his encounter with Malfoy and not to my change in history.

"What the hell is this?" A woman comes to us, I do not know her, but I can easily deduce her identity from the crowd behind her, Minister Millicent Bagnold.

I release Potter who runs crying to his parents in the crowd that approaches. I take back my appearance as a child in front of the whole assembly.

I point to Harry and Draco. "These two boys were about to fight. I tried to calm them down, but this one hit me in the face instead. So, I turned into an adult to restrain him until the adults I sent Susan to look for arrived."

"Is it true, Draco?" Lucius comes out of the crowd and approaches his son who turned pale seeing his father heading straight for him.

"I ... Yes, Father."

"We'll talk about it at home. Please excuse my son's behavior, Madam Minister. I was probably not strict enough in his education. Present your apologies Draco!"

"Excuse me, Madam Minister, I don't know what came over me."

For the duration of the exchange, I observe what happens on the Potter side. First of all, I am surprised by the presence of a little girl with slightly wavy black hair and large green eyes that I have never seen in books or movies. I guess James and Lilly celebrated their survival after Voldemort died quite actively. The little girl sees that I look at her and gives me a big smile. I think the relationship between Harry and his sister is not very good or maybe it's just a sibling rivalry.

James eventually remembers where he is and comes to us with his family.

"Minister, I am so sorry about this incident. I think Harry has learned his lesson. Right, Harry?"

"Yes" He answers between two big sobs, his nose flowing profusely. I think Harry's fanatics from my previous life would not recover from seeing him in that state.

All of a sudden, James' gaze is on me. "And you, my boy. Have you nothing to say? You still put Harry on the floor and held his arm behind his back." Is he serious right now?

"Well, I'm sorry your son isn't mature enough not to fight at a party, and I'm sorry I had to defend myself because he decided to hit me. Next time, I guess I should let the savior of the magical world pass the nerves on my face.

James seems to see red when he ears my response. "You insolent little thing, I'm going to..."

"James, that's enough! It's obvious that it's Harry who started, and he's still the only one I haven't heard the excuses. Let us not turn what is just a child's dispute into something more serious. I suggest that we simply resume the party as if nothing happened." The minister gazes at James Potter.

Adults look at each other and seem to agree that this is the best solution. The adults begin to move inside the manor. Harry and Draco are taken inside by their fathers.

"My name is Rose Potter, and I'm really sorry about my brother's behavior." While her family followed in the footsteps of the others to get inside, Rose decided to stay with me and Susan.

"It's nothing. I'm Sean, and this is Susan."

"Are you going to play here again? I'm a little bored inside by myself." My big brother soul is waking up, I don't know if it's because I was always stuck with the kids at family reunions, but it's almost a second nature for me to take care of the kids.

"Of course, could we start with a hide-and-seek?"

Rose smiles and nods. I spend the rest of the night playing with Rose and Susan until my parents pick me up to go home to Mystic Falls.

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