
Bellatrix's Mind(2)

Severus spend his entire night reading fantasy novel, he planned to finish this book and get back to business.

Bellatrix had terrible night with a lot of nightmares, getting out of her room drenches in sweat. She looked sexy in this state, however he stopped himself even if his lust got ignited.

'Not now…' In his previous life in such situations, couple tissues would solve the case. His body wasn't simple teenager with raging hormones, he got strengthened body with much intense desires.

'I guess… I need to go clean some pools.' He got out of house after changing his clothes, there were many lonely sexy housewives in this era.

After satisfying his urges, his lust for Bella didn't change. The only thing stopping from getting her was ambition of conquering her in her peak state. He fixed his appearance and took shower to not create any weird situations.

'If I touch her now… I will conquer her body…yet not her heart or her mind. There's no fun in climbing a hill if you can conquer Mount Everest. I am a hypocrite, though. I just went and seduced someone's wife...' The only difference was the ability to make informed consent, and Bella's mind was unable to make such decisions. There was a chance of her holding a grudge after recovery if he used her in the lowest point of life.

As he entered the house, she was checking his book. She was making weird expressions reading, completely forgetting about the surrounding world.

'Damn… She lost herself…'

"Oh! You are back." Almost throwing book in the air from panic, she feared being seen with muggle entertainment.

"Do you enjoy this book?"

"Kind of… I mean no! It's…" Subconsciously she started to reject her own thoughts about anything related to muggle world.

"Bella. You can be honest with me. You are no longer with Black family. You can use your own mind to make a judgement!" It wasn't about muggle hatred, and she needed to develop her own judgement.

"Fine… Its funny but main heroine is brain dead. She knows magic but she allows some half ass knight to order her around. It's so stupid… Their adventures are exciting, though…If she killed the main antagonist with killing curse at beginning… They wouldn't need to go through all those things." Severus was surprised about her thoughts. Those books were meant for the male audience. Some authors didn't care much about female characters, stripping them of basic common sense or entirely of intelligence.

"You are right, Bella. What can I say? It's just a story."

'I could obtain her some books with strong female lead…but some of them are basically feminist propaganda…I would need to read them first… Most of those groups are not meant to help… They are created to attack opposite group. The world isn't just black and white...' Her mind is currently very vulnerable to manipulation, and he needed to be careful with his choices.

"Yeah. I got bored… You were enjoying this story, so I got interested. I have nothing to do besides Occlumency and Dark arts training."

"It's okay… Do you enjoy anything besides Dark Magic?"

'I hope she didn't develop this fetish yet… I am not into BDSM or…'

"I don't know… If you count taking care of flowers to try, kill them… It might be my hobby."

"Dark arts and killing pot plants. I could teach you about Dark arts…" Stopping for a second to take a breath.

"Magic is just a tool… It is powerful and dangerous tool… You need to be one in control… not the tool. Dark arts are powered by negative emotions. Can you promise me not lose yourself in those emotions?"

'Dark arts are powered by negative emotions… their counter curses in positive. It is little simple concept. I feel like this is little broken magic system. Making darkness evil is injustice itself… You cannot define darkness without light.'

"Losing myself? Why not? It might be entertaining. I need to become powerful! For my own freedom!"

"Yeah. Relying purely on Dark arts? You will be consumed by hatred. Do you want to know what happens? You lose everything dear to you. Do you love your sisters? They will be one to pay the price. You find yourself alone and bitter. Life needs balance between negative and positive things to be meaningful."

"No. My sisters must be safe. Why cannot person live with purely positive emotions?"

"Look at this coin. What do you think about its value?" Taking out one galleon from his pocket, he asked her a question.

"It's just one galleon. Not really valuable…"

"Yeah. Do you know why? It's simple… You got raised on the golden mountain of Black family. Imagine that happiness can be measured in coins. Would you appreciate one galleon of happiness if you had an entire vault of gold?"

"Darkness is fun… The point is ability to switch on the light…"

'I am getting overly philosophical…'

"I don't get it… Using dark magic will make me evil. I cannot be good without dark magic. It's confusing…"

"Not exactly… I mean your mind isn't stable. If you focus only on negative emotions…Things might go terribly wrong."

"What am I supposed to do?"

"Find your own goal in life. Whatever you decide… I will support you. I just require you to be the one making the choice. Not your family. Not community. Not even me. Become master of your own fate."

Bellatrix felt sincerity in his words, trying to process all unfamiliar concepts in her mind.

Her eyes lost their focus, and after few minutes she collapsed on the floor.

"Bella! What's wrong with you?" There was nothing wrong with her body, however her mind was in chaos.

'Did I say too much?' His quick peek in her mind allowed him to see some memories altering themselves or filling missing pieces.

'Natural recovery? I hope so…' Carrying her body to a bed, he could only wait for her awakening.

'It causes one problem… she will know about my memory modifications. I hope she won't fire unforgivables at first moment, she sees me…'

After few hours, he started to worry if her body won't stay in the coma. His worries were interrupted by Bellatrix sudden maniacal laugh.

"Hahaha! Hello, my 'friend'." Her eyes looked at him with curiosity and some anger.

"I can expl…"

"Yes. You can explain modifying my memories… Making me expelled from my own family. Giving me moral lessons? What else? Lying? Is it even your real identity? Tell me. What's difference between you and my father? Freaking hypocrite."

"Okay. Why won't we start from beginning?"

"Clean slate? Talk…"

"I am not John. My name is Severus Snape-Prince. Half-blood wizard. I got interested in your beauty… I invaded your mind to understand you more. This leads to discovery of your problems… I won't lie to you. I decided to save you from my own selfish reasons. You know… It would be waste to let a gorgeous woman like you become retarded from mind magic. If you don't like being free from your father. I can find a way to fix this situation." All those things were true, he skipped some facts about his previous life knowledge.

"Return to House of Black? Why should I? All things about their family are fake. Non-existent love. What's next? Should I marry my cousin Sirius or Regulus? Continue…"

"I decided to find a way to fix your mind. I don't know… Did your mind recover by itself?"

"Hahaha! I regained most of my memories… Some of them are hard to put together… but I feel great. Look at this." She picked her wand and used perfect Death curse on one potted flower.

"It's hard to manage your own emotions if someone takes away your memories. I genuinely want to barge into their house and get into that bastard head. I am not competent with Legilimency…"Scratching her head in helplessness with the smile.

"You are odd person, Severus. I am appreciative for you releasing me from my prison. It doesn't change the fact… You fucked up with my mind. It's hard to trust any Legillimens…"

"I won't apologize for my actions either. It would be lie. I don't regret any part…"

"That's good to hear. You remarked something about my beauty. I suppose… you are interested in me. Your methods of courting are little… Let's just forget about it. We are no longer friends… even so it doesn't mean. It cannot be repaired. As for now… Let's start from temporary alliance." She didn't close her heart for him, and it means opportunity for conquering.

"It's good idea. Let me show you my real appearance." Returning to his Severus appearance caused her mixed emotions.

"How old are you?"

"11 in the month."

"Hahaha. You must be lying. Fuck. You are honest… This world is absurd… By the way… Nice muscles."

"I got saved by a boy… handsome boy. Whatever… Age is just a number… You act and look as someone close to my age…" All facts weren't looking like parts of same puzzle, yet she couldn't deny his capability.

"Let's start from boundaries… I don't want you to address me Bella. We are not close. You need to earn my trust first. Eh…it would be great if you left this house to me. I kind of retain positive memories getting my life back to this place...And... It's practically your fault… that I am penniless." It wasn't impossible to get back to Blacks, however her mind would be adjusted to their ideology.

"Do you prefer Bellatrix or Miss Black?"

"Bellatrix is fine. I don't want to be associated with Blacks anymore. It triggers me unpleasant memories."

"You can possess this house. Do I need to move out?" As they weren't really close, living under same roof would make things uncomfortable.

"No. It's not like… You didn't see my nude body."

"You are right. Pleased to meet you Bellatrix."

"Hmm… Pleased to meet you too, good-looking boy."

"Last thing… I require money. I don't demand you to give me this money. I need a job… You were right before… It's hard to live without purpose. I got myself a goal… I won't tell you...Not yet...I don't trust you...Ah, can you invade my mind now?" Her request was little bizarre considering situation. After trying to enter her mind, he found many strong shields. His level allowed him to break inside with some effort. Those shields weren't normal Occlumency shields, they gave of feeling like they were always there.

"Fuck… You got in anyway. It seems I need more training." It caused her disappointment, however his Legilimency was trained for years in his previous life.

"Your mind shields are remarkable… There are not many people with ability to pass them."

"Some people can. It means... its not enough. I want my mind being safe. From anyone, anywhere, anytime. I cannot lose myself again…" All those matters were traumatic for her, she wouldn't be calm if her mind could be attacked in any second.

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Second part of this chapter.

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It would be nice if you pointed at my mistakes. I might take some time to edit already published chapters.

Have a nice day/night.

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