

Recent events went without echo, some people knew about her 'betrayal'. Some people were shocked as she was going to be death eater, they felt like she lied to them entire time.

"Do you think Cissy will forgive me? What about Dromeda… I left them with him." Bella didn't know about her sister's relationship with muggleborn, she needed to focus on her own future for now.

"Bella… Let's focus on magic. They are women. I am sure nothing bad will happen." Severus didn't plan to cage her in this house for long time, and his goal was teaching her Occlumency to level of self-protection.

'I can handle her pain… I altered her destiny… The only thing left is restoring her broken mind.' Repairing mind wasn't like fixing leaking glass with a piece of duct tape. It required delicate and precise methods, otherwise her mind would collapse.

His spent few hours on instructing her on basics of Occlumency, and his house elves were taking care of her needs.

The next morning, one of them delivered her a note that Severus will be away for some time.

It was day of going to Gringotts with his mother, and he didn't expect to get any money from them. Most likely his remaining money will be spent on their services, and an only way was to take a loan from them.

"Welcome to Gringotts Wizarding Bank! How can I help you?" This goblin was surprisingly cultured.

"I want to use some of your services. My goal is to reclaim the vault and heritage of Prince family." His expression instantly changed to hostile disgust.

"Heritage… I don't get you. Wizards, think we are charity organization?"

"No. I couldn't be mistaken more. Banks aren't operating this way. Can you explain if those things are possible? I am genuinely more interested in status of heir than wealth." Goblin examined him from head to toe with his eyes.

"I am surprised to hear something reasonable from the wizard. You have my respect young wizard. Allow me to check if anything can be done in your case." After looking through some of his papers, he went to another room and spent there few minutes.

"Prince family case is little… complicated. Ministry ordered to accelerate process of claiming your goods. Officially family is extinct… All wealth was confiscated by the ministry and Malfoy family. Using fancy name for stealing which is right of the conquest. I am really sorry… Habitually the bank waits for an inheritor around 5 years." Five years was more possible rule than hundred of years.

"We can only offer an apology. Our independence and ability to be proper institution… Changed after rebellion." It seems this event messed up with their system, losing control of many important decisions.

"Is there something that can be done about this? I am their descendant."

"There is genuinely one option. You can pay for reopening 'Prince family vault'. It would force name eligibility procedure. If you pass bloodline test, we will offer you Prince family lord's ring. You will gain access to vault history…"

"How much for this service?"

"Don't you have any goblin's ancestors boy? It's 250 galleons. Let's do it 200 if you actually pass the test. Otherwise, you will pay for opening different vault… It will be 500." Normally a wizard would be looking down on those clerks, thinning about them like its their duty to serve wizards. His logical way of thinking made goblin smile.

"I am really penniless right now. I invested my money. Do you provide loans with low interest?"

"We do provide loans. Most of the wizards think… Rented objects need to be returned to us. We stopped believing your flowery promises of returning things. Every loan requires blood contract with a debtor. If you don't return money within specific time. Blood contract will force you into working off entire amount in any business under goblin's nation." It looks like goblins trusted other creatures more than wizards.

His mother sat in waiting room as Severus dealt with goblins, she was only needed to give consent in blood contract and guardianship of an underage lord.

Things lost from his family vault weren't really much. After looking through the list, he was little disappointed in their inadequate management of money.

History of recent withdraws and deposits in this vault.


-1962, Artorias Prince, Withdraw.

532 galleons.

Ornamental sword.

-1965, Confiscation of vault contents with the note 'Right of conquest'

3532 galleons.

Two unknown artifacts.

Three unique spell books.

Five cursed objects.

Authenticated deed of the castle in Ireland.

'Castle in Ireland…' Most surprising was devoid of shares in anything, and they just had some money. They were on path to poverty, examining history revealed imbalance in spending of gold. Their income was consistently scantier than their spending, decreasing their wealth with every year.

'What can you do…' His loan was the maximum possible sum of galleons, and inability to return his debt would force him into a lifetime of free labor. It was indeed possible to work after death as ghost. This was freaking the wizarding world, and almost everything was possible.

'I got empty title with temporary no power. Took colossal loan from goblins and signed blood contract. I should go to Las Vegas or Macau...' His mother became pale when she heard about blood contract, however after few minutes of explanation she agreed to all his decisions. It was maximum level of support, she could give him. There was slight feeling that next this level of decision might cause her heart attack.

'I don't know... I respect her ability to put infinite trust in me... I wouldn't allow my own children to take loans... If I wasn't showing completely out of age things... I would think, she is crazy. Come on! 10 year old boys should be fucking running around with their yellow mouse. Wait... Wrong universe. Here babies defeat country level of villain.' Thinking about Harry actually killing Voldemort thanks to Lily's sacrifice changed his thinking about childhood of wizard.

They returned to house as he had a lot work to finish, he needed to actually use this money.

Couple house elves could work on enchanting, unfortunately it wouldn't bring quick profit. At beginning those products would be sold in established shops, he couldn't just open new shop and expect people adjust their shopping habits.

'Let's focus on preparing multiple affordable versions… Modifying a little design by adding some gems to version for pure bloods.' Difference in appearance would allow this product to reach both targeted groups.

'I will need to produce my personal supply of ingredients.' His goal was to establish better potion industry, and only way to start such thing would be getting cheaper ingredients.

There was an uncommon spell in games, which might not be canon. It allowed grow plants faster, he would need to test if it really exists.

'First finishing intellectual property protection plan…' Starting from starting few businesses and recruiting some bewitching experts without any bias of origin. In the end of the day, he had only two pure blooded workers. Rest was muggleborn or half blood, eventually leaving only one pure blood. His name was Jacob Brown.

It didn't really affect him in any way, and he had typical indifference of any random worker. Work his shift and go back to his wife, rare ability to separate real life from work.

Crucial part was produced inside of his special workshop, it was like mainboard of the computer. Less complicated as most its job was actually activating other functions through magical triggers. Those were mechanisms activated on touch or certain action.

'It's far from a motherboard… It works, and I will improve its structure in future.' After performing multiple tests, he focused on last step.

His appearance changed during last few months, gaining really shaggy hair and black circles under eyes.

'Yatta!' Combining three different charms to work as universal blueprint protection, attempts of intentional breaking would destroy artifact and jinx perpetrator.

Bellatrix mood improved during their training together, receiving owls from her sisters furtherly improved her state. It seems certain emotions could slightly soothe her mind, causing some memories come back.

'Dromeda is already with the relationship with Tonks. Narcissa merely wants to be good daughter.' Andromeda wanted to follow her footsteps, revealing her secret relationship and opinion on family traditions.

Narcissa felt strongly betrayed as all expectations fell to remaining two of them, which will eventually end up leaving only her as traditional daughter. Side effect was increased control and pressure to marry the pureblooded wizard.

Severus felt really exhausted by his recent work, luckily his project was ready for Christmas break. Ideal opportunity to purchase a new toy for your child, he could only rush to Borgin and Burkes and strike deal with them.

Displaying multiple versions of his artifact for specific customer groups, he managed get deal with some sample sell. Adding part about strict margin on sales, ensuring affordability and reasonable profits for both of them.

Latter part was marketing and endorsing his brand with someone influential individuals. Sending some sample products to certain people with power.

Most newspapers would publish anything if you paid enough, and price of Daily prophet wasn't high.

It didn't take long to receive orders for the big batch, and artifact was very popular among half-bloods. Ultimately allowing to communicate with each other in less weird ways.

This was instant video call option making it extremely popular, making lives of junior wizards from border places to communicate at instant with their friends.

Severus only answered important letters, preparing to take a break for winter holidays. His life was going much harder from this point, and profits were attracting hyenas and they aren't reasonable people.

'Some might attack my workshops… I need to act before my winter break.' There was money to recruit some people to defend his business.

'Werewolves are not bad. None wants to fuck with the pack of XXXXX creatures.' His plan was offering wolf's bane with the small salary every month, making day with a full moon off for all workers.

'I would need to get into contact with Native Americans. I feel like they might know more about lycanthropy.'Searching for the cure might be entirely wrong approach, and he needed to understand this condition to think about the future.

'Wait a minute… Did I forget about something? When was Wolf's bane invented?' Looking through memories, discovered that his thoughts forgot about this potion would be invented in future.

'It will be invented in 1976… by Damocles Belby. Sorry mate, I will steal your credit.' Severus concocted these potion multiple times in his life, sometimes for selling and sometimes for Lupin.

Some people knew his appearance, yet most of Britain didn't know who was owner of great invention. They started to observe his workshops to get to him, it was really annoying. Severus did his best to switch his disguises, sporadically using his subordinates appearance as shield.

'Greyback will be problem… He needs to be eliminated soon.' Fenrir was recruiting werewolves and constantly creating new ones.

'If I take over werewolves… I will be in a way of Voldemort.' Eliminating his connection to pack, they would eventually scatter. Not every each of them was crazy enough to spread their burden on others.

'Lupin was one of those broken by this curse. They almost broke up with Nymphadora…because his fear of hurting others. I can recruit him in future.'

'What a drag… I didn't concoct any…' Today was 5th of December, considering full moon will come at twelfth. His following days will be occupied by alchemy, resting needed to wait for few days.

Experimenting with magic is funny experience, however being in constant hurry to be on time ruined most of the pleasant parts. Alchemy wouldn't be enjoyable experience if not familiarity of previous life Snape, changing the usually horrendous task into relaxing time.

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I often check wiki for clarifications. Though, there is a chance me changing reality a bit. It's not original world of HP.

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Thanks for any support. If you see any typical English grammar mistake, let me know. I might be using things to edit chapter's raw form. It might help me to not repeat mistake again.

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