
Happy Eun-sun

"I'm so sorry for what happened earlier. It was just a mistake, please do not take it seriously." Mrs Lee held Eun-sun's hand in her own as they parked in front of her apartment, while she apologized.

She didn't want Eun-sun to go back with any form of misconception at heart.

"Auntie it's okay" Eun-sun replied to her. She wasn't comfortable with Mrs Lee apologizing to her.

Mrs Lee sighed as she shook her head, her hand still holding onto Eun-sun's hand, "I just don't want you to think bad about Dan-Han. He has gone on several dates yes, but I'm the one who always pressured him into going. He has never been interested in going out on dates. So don't see him in a different light okay?"

"Okay." Eun-sun nodded, a small smile splitting on her face. For some reason, she felt happy knowing Dan-Han had never had any interest in girls. That meant she was the first girl he had ever pursued right?

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