
I'm Not Scared

Eun-Sun tailed behind Dan-Han as he led them to the elevator. She tried to be invisible by pressing herself to the side of the elevator. Though he had given some insurance, she still didn't want to lower her guards down. She had to put some distance between herself and this boss of hers.

Dan-Han kept stealing glances at her. From the way she pressed herself against the elevator and looked ahead like she has found something fascinating on the wall of silver plated elevator, he knew she still wasn't comfortable around him. But he wasn't bothered by that. He was going to take his time with her and soon she'll be more than comfortable around him, he was going to make sure of that.

Dan-Han took the lead, striding out of the elevator as soon as it chimed on arrival. He didn't look back at her, he expected her to follow behind, and she did.

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