
Key information

I take a seat next to the older man as we both look at the argument that is playing on the stage. Even in times of crisis humans will find a way to cause problems, I wouldn't do any better in their place. I'm not a leader so I should stop talking, the old man rubs his beard as he listens to the argument. "So young man, what is it you wanted to know. I'm getting sick of listening to these kids argue. Perhaps your questions can take my mind off this situation." Seems he doesn't like the arguing either. "I haven't seen you around our little slice of the city before. Although my memory isn't what it used to be." He is pretty observant, I do my best not to stick out. Even though I do this he still notice that I'm not from around here. It must be my mentality and attitude, I'm not depressed and scared like everyone else.

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