

'This sound… Something isn't right…. 


There are two many.'

Alarmed, I took a step back…. With haste, I turned around and bolted into the alley I came from. 

Weaving through between the buildings I made as much distance as I could. Soon after though, I heard the enraged bellows of the rats. They must have discovered their fallen kin. 

Remembering its particularly strong sense of smell, I knew it was only a matter of time before they tracked me.

'This isn't good. Do I just run? I'm not sure how well I can hold up against numbers. So running is the safest bet.'

'After all, you can't lose a bet you don't take.'

Out of nowhere, three large rats appeared from around the corner I was about to turn into.

-Mutated Feral Rat. lv15(Red)-

HP 30/30

-Mutated Feral Rat. lv7(Red)-

HP 14/14

-Mutated Feral Rat. lv12(Red)-

HP 24/24

'Damn it!'

I cursed internally, I had just Jinxed myself, I didn't stop running though. Instead, I ran towards the Rats even faster than before. The lv15 in the lead attempted to pounce on top of me. Instead of letting it do so I brought my hands to my side.

Mustering my strength, I pierced my arms forward like a spear! my clawed hands swept forward. Impaling themselves through the rat, killing it almost instantly…

Unfortunately, the action temporarily caused me to stop moving. And with my limbs embedded into the body of the rodent, the other rats didn't let go of the opportunity they were given, they latched on to each of my shoulders. Digging their teeth into my skin…

-5 Hp

-5 Hp

At that moment, I almost lost my calm. 

Hissing in pain, I lifted my foot and savagely kicked the dead rat wrenching my arm free. 

-5 Hp

-7 Hp

I wrapped my tail around the Lv7 rats' necks and began tightening it as hard as I could.. It squealed as it released my shoulder and began thrashing around. 

[Tail whip]


Activating the skill when my tail was in that position proved to be too much for the poor animal. A loud cracking noise sounded out as it slumped to the ground lifelessly. 

-7 Hp

I didn't waste anymore time, reaching over to the last rat, I grabbed hold of one of its arms as I used [Tear]. The arm was quickly dislocated and the rat released my other shoulder shrieking in what I could only assume to be great pain. I quickly tore out the throat of the injured creature, Ending its life soon after.

Once again setting off, I ignored the notifications that had appeared in my vision.

I continued moving forward, dashing between the gaps of the surrounding buildings. I tried to be as stealthy as possible. but as time passed, I ended up running into more and more rats. They were all on alert and even with the heavy fog on my side, wave after wave came at me. Even when they didn't see me, my smell would give away my position. I was forced to kill the majority of them just to pass by. But as I did I slowly took on more and more damage. Before I knew it, my Hp had already gone down by a hundred points.

'Damn it! It can't go on like this! There's too many. If it's like this in an alley. I can only imagine how hard it would be to fight them in the streets.'

Obviously, the thought of being consumed in a tidal wave of rats wasn't desirable. And as I took more damage I could feel my apprehension grow.

The idea of spending my stat points floated across my mind but I shook my head. Increasing my stats doesn't restore what I lost. It only increases my upper threshold.

Biting the arm off another rodent I spit in out… But before I could finish it off, additional rats began pouring out from the way I came. There were eight of them! 

'This isn't good! Just three or four is enough to pin me down. The amount I run into is starting to swell! They're closing in on my position!' 

'Help… I need help.'

In desperation, I pushed over some wooden crates to buy me a bit more time. It wouldn't take them long to climb past it, But it would at least give me a couple of seconds. 

[Mind Link] 

I activated the skill but It didn't work. We must be out of range from each other.

The distance the skill could be utilized was quite far.. Just over half a mile.

'Think! Think! Think!. Scaling the buildings? No, they're rats, experts at climbing, so that won't work!' 

'I have no choice…'

I had to abandon the alleyways. If I didn't, I would have soon been trapped and overwhelmed. It would be for the best. At least I thought so. 

But, I underestimated the sheer number of rats in the surrounding area. 

'Oh no.' 

I took a step back as I saw the enemies appearing in front of me one by one.

'I can't, not this many.'

There must have been at least 30 rats slowly approaching me and some of them were a bit over lv30 as well. They were like a pack of wolves cornering their prey.

Glancing behind me. The alley I just exited had at least 8 more. Due to the obstruction I created they were at the other end of the building. Going back that way would be just as dangerous. It would be too cramped. Only one of me could comfortably fit through that alley at a time. I wouldn't be able to avoid this horde. Instead, I would be swallowed. Maybe it would work if I were fighting Humanoids.


The closest rat in the horde broke the stare down and rushed me, this was quickly followed by the others.

'Not good!'

My death was coming to me and I didn't know what to do.

Going back was a no, and the front was also a no.

Fear grew in me. Death was all I could see.

''Is this it?.'


I stepped on some glass.

As I register it…. An idea came to mind….. Glass comes from the window….

'That's it!'

Immediately, I spun around and sprinted towards the alley I came from. Maybe, Just maybe I could reach one of the building's side windows and crash through it.

The rats closed in. Since they started running before me they had momentum on their side. I tried picking up as much speed as possible in the small amount of time I had.


Suddenly, a searing pain shot through me and a loud screech forced its way out of my mouth.

'My tail! It was bit!.'

Instinctively, I activated Tail Whip and tossed whatever was holding me aside.


I tried my best to ignore the pain and began moving again. The rats were now much closer. The ones in front of me were now 30 meters away and the steps of the ones that came from outside the alley could be heard right behind me.

'There's a window after all!' 

Not too far in front of me, near the ground of a brick building, was a basement window.

'Damnit! I'm not fast enough! I won't make it…. No! wait!'


Activating the skill gave me a slight increase in speed. 

'With this… I will make it!'

But, It was pointless…

I reached my goal, yet, in the end, it didn't even matter...…. The closest window. The one I had been aiming for… It was nailed shut with wood.



The onslaught of rats, front and back crashed into me, as well as each other. For a moment they were disoriented but after a couple of seconds passed they regained themselves and latched into me. Biting from all over my body. I tried to power through…. but it was too much.






'I'm sorry.'

I apologized to Snow, my mother… I was surrounded by buildings. I was going to die here and be eaten alive. Not even my bones would be left. 

I wanted to sigh.

'It isn't fair.' 

It was.

I knew, I knew from the beginning, there was no such thing as Favor in life… This second chance that I was given… It was just random luck… But still, Even when I had already been so lucky…. I wanted to complain anyway. Isn't that selfish?

It was.

'Or was I useless?'

I wasn't.

I did everything correctly… I took advantage of the Interface and trained hard every. single. day… I played it safe! I was cautious! I played out many possible scenarios in my head! But, It was pointless. The bond I formed with mother, The Hard work I put in, The things I wanted to accomplish…. 

'It seems this new life was a waste. It's actually a bit funny.'

It wasn't

I was just lying to myself, I was just trying to conceal my bitterness and despair. 




I could feel a stinging sensation from all sides. It wasn't that bad at the start, but as they continued it quickly got worse.

I clenched my fist tightly.

'I really wanted my efforts to bear fruit.'

It was frustrating.. So frustrating. Because, in the end.

Everything..... Everything!…. amounted to nothing. 

I reached towards the sun. I felt like I was grasping it in my hand.

More and more rats piled on top of me… blocking out my view of the sky.






'Was I…. nothing?…'

An instant switch… Without even realizing it, I seemed to have entered a dark space… the only source of light was the burning orange sun shining in the sky. It was only momentary though. Before I could even fully register it, I was back under the horde of rats. 

How ridiculous!!!

I gnashed my teeth at the thought.

At the mere thought!!! 

The depressing emotions I felt quickly drained away.… And they were replaced…

Out of nowhere! Bubbling rage rose inside of me. 

My body began emitting smoke as I felt an almost ethereal rage. I couldn't think straight. Like I was going to be consumed by my own anger…. 

Raising my arms, along with the rodents biting them, I used every bit of my strength to divide the rats on top of me. 

Surely enough the sun which had been blotted out once again appeared in my vision.

'I am nothing?'


The smoke became more and more apparent…


I raised my hand. Once again attempting to grasp the sun.

"The mentality!"

As I closed my fist, seemingly around the burning star. I felt a strange surge of energy flow through my body. 

"Of a pathetic loser!"

For the first time in this life…. I screamed out! 

I felt the burning…. I felt the strength!


Steam escaped through my mouth as I brought my left leg forward.


Then the right.

I did everything I could to shake the rats off my body as I stormed forwards… [Scratch], [Bite], [Tail Whip], [Sprint], [Tear], [Mind Link]. If it seemed useful it was used! The skills even seemed like they were empowered.

Like a wild warthog, I charged forward! Throwing and knocking aside any pest that dared get in my way. Although they didn't run away, some of the rats even seemed to grow fearful. 

As I built up momentum, I stampeded right over many of the rats… But I was still only half way through. 

Gritting my teeth in pain an idea appeared in my mind. 



The majority of the rats froze in place. 




Suddenly, I found myself sailing through the air. Flying almost 20 meters I cleared the rat horde and landed outside the alley. 

As my feet touched the ground.


I was out of there. 

Not a moment later the majority of the rats regained their senses. Enraged, they began trying to pool out of the cramped area to catch their escaped prey, but in doing so they continuously stumbled over each other.




'I did it!'

With the smoke still shrouding my body, I ran.

I need to leave this place. I would try hiding in one of the buildings but I don't want to risk them finding me by my smell.

I only have 237 Hp left. 

I winced.

'Damn it, my tail… hurts.'

'I can't… be distracted! I gotta…. I gotta get out of here.'

As the smoke started fading, I felt my body start to grow weak. I was breathing heavily as I began to slow down.

Abruptly, three savage-looking dogs appeared.

-Mutant wolf lv27(Red)-

-Mutant wolf lv22(Red)-

-Elite Mutant wolf lv20(Red)-

Not… now. It….. already won't take long for those rats to catch up. One of them is even an Elite. Even…. if it's the lowest level, it's probably a bit stronger than the level 27 wolf. I can't afford to waste time here.

The three wolves immediately attacked. The level 22 wolf lunged and tried biting my arm. But I wasn't having it.


Judging by my hand piercing through the top of its head, It didn't end well.

-You have killed Mutated Wolf. Lv22-

-You gain 500 exp.-

-You gained a level.-



The Elite wolf sunk its fangs into my arm and started thrashing wildly. I released a pained growl.

Almost too late, I quickly bent back avoiding a chomp towards my neck.

I quickly leaned forward and chomped down on its snout.


A cracking noise sounded out and the wolf let out a Whimpering yelp. I didn't manage to kill it, but it bought me a moment of time.

Looking towards the wolf thrashing around with my arm in its mouth. I glared, It hurt.

Reaching forward I grabbed the mutt by the neck and pulled it off. It was easy because of the strength difference. But doing so damaged me even more. I aggressively dug my claws into its flesh and activated the tear skill. Its head was ripped clean off.

-You have killed the Elite Mutated Wolf. Lv 20

-You gain 900 exp.-

-You gained a level.-

-You gained a level.-

I tossed the limp body to the floor and then activated glare on the last wolf.

Seeing the one who brutally killed both its companions glaring at it the last wolf froze in fear. Before it could regain control over itself I moved forward.


Large gashes appeared on its neck and with that, the last of the wolves fell to the ground. The fight didn't even last 30 seconds.

-You have killed Mutated Wolf. Lv27

-You gain 750 exp.-

-You gained a level.-

Ignoring the notifications. I began moving towards the closest edge of the town. 

'I need to hurry.'

Just then… The smoke that had been oozing off my body since earlier finally disappeared. A shock reverberated through me. It almost felt like my body was electrocuted. 

Everything suddenly became numb, I lost strength in my body as I was forced to my knees.

'What!? What's going on!? I should still have some stamina left!'

If I stay here any longer the rat horde will definitely catch up.

'Info Page!'

I roared in my mind. 

Immediately I looked towards my stamina.


SP: 306/306/1225+

-You have forcibly pushed your body past its limit, SP permanently increases by 5. For the next three days, stamina capacity is halved.

-You have forcibly broken your body past its limit. Muscles have torn. SP permanently increases by 20. For the next 5 days, stamina capacity is halved.

Duration of [Rage Flame] has ended.

Body is immobile.-

Reading through the information I felt a chill go down my spine. Then, I heard something in the distance. A stampede.

'I can't move.'

End Of Chapter 10

Next chapter