
Comments of chapter undefined of Harry Potter:Rise Of House Black

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Hmm, i think you are throwing shade at dumbledore too much. He is 10, plus he has no evidence how does he explain knowing the Potter will has been locked away? Or knowing where Harry Potter is when it is under blood wards which hide him away? This chapter would be realistic if he he said he found evidence that Sirius had no trial and that he needs one. Then he would be able to free Sirius and only after that use Sirius to claim guardianship of Harry Potter. Dumbledore is too powerful to be affected this early on in the story, people only began seeing the cracks in his fame during the events of the Goblet of Fire up until the Order of the Phoenix when the ministry intervened in Hogwarts. You are trying too much when the MC is too young, the trial and reinstating the Tonks’ makes sense for a 10 year old who is looking for family as he is all alone, bjt trying to take down Dumbledore is not realistic. This is a world of magic, if be starts acting like some 80 year old master manipulator people will think he is possessed or something along those lines. My only advice is slow down his plans, he still has years of Hogwarts to get through, so he can plan and act during those years. Also use ‘Grammarly’ when writing it will help with your grammar and spelling so that your story is a higher quality.

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HE is not taking down Dumbledore . He is just planting seeds of suspicion.

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Neville was born 30. July and harry 31. July


thanks for the really great chapter


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