
Chapter 9: Remember Your Past, Forget Their Future Part 7

"Akira and I discovered somethin’ a bit strange.”

“Strange how so?” Liam prompted me to answer, while Akira sat back and let me explain away.

“Well, this might sound a little gross, but I noticed somethin’ strange inside of Aka’s mouth, so I had Akira put a finger in there to find out what it was.” I explained, getting some varied looks from everyone in the room.

“It was a really gross feeling.” Akira added, before I continued my own explanation.

“Once she pulled her finger out, it turned out to be coated in blood, which is both really gross, and really interestin’.” I finished, starting to get some idea as to what may have happened, as the cogs in my head started to turn.

“Maybe it was just something she coughed up after getting knocked unconscious.” Urkstin suggested, trying his absolute best.

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