
Chapter 4: Burning Questions with No Answer Part 8

"Just as the speakers said, learn for yourself Nishinzu."

With that, Mia left the cafeteria, leaving me in silence yet again. I checked the time, and hurried out of there as well, trying to stay away from Mia. On my way back to my cell, all I could think of is whether or not I should look at my video.

On one hand, information is great for future reference.

On the other hand, what if it's something truly terrible?

Mia didn't seem that phased by hers at all though.

But Mia's always a bitch so maybe it didn't phase her.

I absentmindedly entered the cell block and went up to my cell.

Has anyone else seen their videos?

Where do we find the videos?

How long are they?

I entered my cell, and noticed a small device on the bed. It had a play button fixated on the screen, and I walked over and picked it up.

Is this right?

Is it right not to watch it?

I picked up the pad, and stared into it, seeing my reflection in the screen, staring back with anxious, scared, but intrigued eyes.

There's… only one way to find out, I guess.

My thoughts cleared as I sat down on my bed, took a sharp inhale, and pressed the play button on the screen.

'Aka Nishinzu, this is your motivational video!' Displayed on my screen, filling my stomach with a disgusting feeling of dread. This asshole really sees this as a game, don't they?

'Please agree to watching this video, that way it will be all your fault!' Popped up next, before a button showed up on screen saying 'I have acknowledged my own murderous intent' written on it. The text itself made me feel sick, but I pressed it, eager to learn what the hell was on this pad.

"Miss Aka Nishinzu." Spoke a voice, sounding like an even more distorted version of the Loudspeakers' one, "This video is for the eyes of the Ultimate Literary Prodigy only."

That caught my attention. Ultimate Literary Prodigy? Was that referring to me? I thought I didn't have an Ultimate Talent, but that title sounded so familiar…

"With that being said however. Let's begin." Spoke the video, before a loud flashing sound rang out on the video, and a scene that made my heart sink and eyes widen appeared on screen.

"Do these people look familiar to you, Ms. Prodigy?" It was… My parents. They were beaten, tied up, and gagged, up against a wall, staring at the camera. There were tears rolling down my mother's face, and my father had gashes and cuts all across his arms.

"Wha-" I stammered, staring at the screen and shaking in disbelief. "What the FUCK?!"

"They do not seem to be in great condition. If I had to guess," The monster continued, before a cloaked figure entered the camera frame, wielding a large kitchen knife, smeared with blood, "I do not think they will make it another two days."

With that, the screen turned to black, as multiple random symbols flashed on screen. I couldn't even tell what they were. My jaw was dropped and my eyes were too wide, only being able to see the terrible, disgusting sight of my parents. Thankfully, I was pulled away from that sight by a new sight. It was a faceless figure, staring at the camera with a widened white smile, and soul piercing white eyes. We stared at each other for a couple seconds before it spoke.

"This is your new time limit Ms. Prodigy. If you do not kill someone before the two days are up, your parents will never see you again." They spoke, making their message extremely clear. I stared at them, frozen in place, unsure what to do, when the video ended. The monster's face plastered on the screen, smiling at me, as I sat there. Eventually the tablet fell out of my hands, hitting the floor.


My brain started to slow down. Fatigue was coming in at a terrible time.


I could feel tears rolling down my face, as I fell back and let my head hit the mattress.

What am I supposed to do?

My eyelids started to feel heavier, but the image of them, locked up and beaten still remained.

If someone has to die for them to be safe…

I didn't have any dreams, or nightmares that night. All my brain was doing was replaying the video, over and over again, much to my dismay. I might have been forced awake multiple times by the disgusting sight, but if I had, I couldn't remember. All I remember is the horrific sight of my family, and the stare and smile of the beast at the end of the video.

It haunted my dreams, even when there were no dreams to haunt…

Suddenly though, I felt my body being moved slightly, bouncing around slightly, which eventually pulled me away from my terrible sleep. When I awoke, I located the explanation for the bouncing.

"Oh hey Aka shaka laka, hope you don't mind me bringin' Urkstin in here." Poppy was on the side of my bed, sitting dangerously close to me as usual, while Urkstin was lightly bouncing at the end of my bed like a child.

"Ah yeah, whatever. Just bring in the entire group next time why don't you." I said, getting up and rubbing my eyes.

"Good idea, I'll be sure to do that tommara!" She said, getting Urkstin off the bed as they left my cell. Before I left myself, I glanced down on the floor, where the tablet was still sitting. I pushed it under my bed, and tried to do the same with all of the thoughts in my head as I left.

"So, did you guys watch your videos?" Urkstin asked once I caught up, sounding concerned but interested.

"I'd rather not talk about it until we get to the meeting." I replied.

"She's only sayin' that cuz her video was her comin' out of the closet." Poppy joked, elbowing me in the side.

"Wait, Aka… you're a-"

"It's not like that!" I interrupted, not wanting that rumor to spread any more, "Poppy's just being weird."

"Oh I see, well, Poppy, are you?" Urkstin responded, turning his attention to the much more confident Poppy.

"Look man, all I'm sayin' is that girls can be pretty cool sometimes." She said, patting me on the back, "This young one doesn't understand that yet."

"Uh huh, keep telling yourself that." I replied dryly.

"How's about you and Risa Urky?" Poppy asked, moving her assault on Urkstin.

"H-Huh?" He stuttered, starting to turn red.

"She seems to be preeeetty reliant on ya, maybe for more than just emotional support." She continued, winking at Urkstin, who was growing even redder.

"I… I don't know about that. She's been kinda messed up emotionally lately, and I think she just needs a friend." He tried to retort, smiling innocently.

"Or she wants the 'with benefits' part as well." Poppy whispered to me, making me shake my head in disappointment at her.

"You're very kind to be a good friend for her Urkstin, I appreciate it, and I'm sure she does too." I told Urkstin, getting Poppy off his case.

"Thank you!" He replied, smiling a goofy wide grin, as we finally made our way to the cafeteria. Waiting for us in there was an immense feeling of dread coming from many sources...

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