
love youth 3

"La la?"

"Is that the friend you brought home earlier?" Jelita asked, smiling at Jonathan.

"Yes, he's the one I brought. Is there something wrong with me, Bun? Or with him?"

"There's nothing wrong with the two of you, it's just, you're too early to feel it, but it's okay enjoy the process, take care of any woman who is near you, moreover she is the woman you love." Jelita said then she got up from the chair and walked to the terrace, waiting for her husband to come home from work.

"What do you mean mom?" Jonathan frowned, then finished his juice and returned to the room.

Jelita stood up when she saw a car coming into her yard, which Ian anti had arrived.

"Assalamualaikum, honey."

"Waalaikumsalam." Jelita kissed the back of Danil's hand and Danil kissed Jelita's forehead affectionately.

"Are the kids home yet?"

"Jhonatan is home, but Yola is going to the bookstore with Ramond."

"Oh, all right. Have you eaten?"

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