
Battle 1

The Ranger car driven by Regan slid down the streets of the state capital C, behind him followed a steel hooded car driven by Matt's men, they together drove to Kingdom Crush headquarters to crush the gangsters.

Lola looked at the front screen very observantly and carefully, as well as Selena who was sitting right beside her, behind them were Matt's men who were ready with weapons full of ammunition. Behind the wheel was Regan and beside him sat with his eyes fixed on the street, Ronald.

"All systems have been locked, we must quickly complete the mission before there is an uproar due to all communication systems being cut off." Say, Lola.

"Okay, we're ready." Said Selena, who also immediately readied her weapon.

"Selena are you sure you're coming inside?" Ask Ronald.

"I'm the front row, according to plan," Selena said firmly.

"Okay," Ronald replied and Regan nodded firmly.

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