
struggle 8

The morning came with the chirping of birds which added to the boisterous atmosphere of the morning, Likewise with Humaira and Rena who were already struggling in the kitchen to make breakfast, Rena was assisted by her mother to arrange the dishes on the dining table when Ronald came out of his father's study with Rey. Then the two of them sat in the dining room following their father.

"Today you have started work again, Ra?" Ronald asked Humaira who was pouring rice on Rey's plate.

"Yes bro." Humaira replied with a smile.

"Okay, big brother wants to talk to you, but later after we have breakfast." Ronald said then fed rice to Rena.

"Okay, so excited, Ira, Sis." Humaira said while adjusting her sitting position.

"Is it good to be a doctor?" Rena asked Humaira who was chewing her food.

"It's good, it's been a dream since childhood, what is your dream Ren?" Humaira asked Rena back.

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