
Rey and Humaira's wedding 2

Rey looked at the plane that had just landed, slowly the plane door opened and a middle-aged man appeared followed by a young man behind him, briefly staring at the faces of the two as if looking at a photo in two different eras. Looks the same just a different time.

Rey approached the middle-aged man, hugging him tightly after kissing the back of his hand first.

"Father okay?" Rey asked as she hugged her father.

"Thank God my father is healthy, even very healthy." Said the father while patting his son's back gently.

"Thank God, Rey is glad daddy came." Rey pulled away from her father's embrace.

"How can you not come to your son's wedding." Mr. Handoko replied with a warm smile.

"Hello Brothers." Ronald said casually with a naughty smile.

"Fucking brother, how can you sneeze over your sister's suffering, Ha!"


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