
Ramond my son

Arlita took out a gun from under her shirt, and had pointed it at the apartment door, she didn't care even though she would be sued for compensation by the apartment manager.


Arlita shot right at the hinge of the apartment door, Ronald immediately opened the door and just walked in with Arlita behind him.

"Mommy! Daddy!" shouted Ramond who ran to hug Arlita and Ronald tightly.

"It's okay honey, everything will be fine." Ronald said calming his son.

Matt's face darkened especially when he saw that Arlita did not come alone, but with a man she had known for a few days in the lobby of the apartment building.

"So you're the man who took Arlita from me?" Matt said coldly.

"Arlita, take Ramond back to papa's house." Ronald said as he stood staring intently at Matt.

Arlita immediately got up and carried Ramond in her arms and then out of Matt's apartment.

"I didn't take Arlita from you, but you left her."

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