
only you

"My longing is endless, my love is endless, your voice is loud, it does not erase the longing that is increasingly turbulent in my heart, O my beauty, the words of love will never run out for me to adore you, the poet's words will never end for me to assemble as a perfect expression of my affection. O my sholihah, have you eaten yet?" Danil said while facing his cellphone camera.

"I think there's still a sequel to the poem, you know what have you eaten yet?" Answer Jelita on the other side of the phone.

"How was your work today dear? Don't be too tired, just after lunch you have to go straight home, Ronald can already work in the office so Rey must come back to your office right?"

"Yeah, he's been here since morning. Okay, I'll come home after lunch, Mas Danil, have you eaten?"

"In a moment, Yogi has ordered food for me, you don't worry."

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