
Ya Humaira

Police hospital, right in front of him. After parking the car, Rey entered the hospital, had time to approach the reception desk just to ask the room that Arlita was in, Rey continued her steps towards the room indicated by the receptionist earlier.

The arlita room is closely guarded by police officers. Rey was forced to come to the hospital to visit Arlita after Ronald called her, asking her to help visit Arlita who was shot during the raid. Even though Rey was still sleepy because she had only been asleep for an hour, she had to wake up because of the ringing of her cellphone that she forgot to turn off.

"Excuse me sir, I want to visit Mrs. Arlita, is this the room?" Rey asked politely to the police officer on duty in front of Arlita's room.

"Sorry, who are you Mrs. Arlita?" Ask the police officer

"I'm Rey, Mrs. Arlita's best friend."

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