
When i want to kiss him

After the action of hitting him on Ronald was satisfied, Jelita and her mother said goodbye to go home, because Ronald's assistant had also arrived.

Jelita lay down on the bed, even her shoes and hijab were still in place, Jelita was really tired, until she fell asleep until the time before sunset she was surprised by a knock on the door from outside her room.

"Madam, Mrs. Jelita, are you all right?" Mbok Rahmi's voice sounded faint but Jelita was still able to hear it.

After stretching her muscles, Jelita walked towards her bedroom door.

"I just fell asleep, mom. I'm fine, thanks for waking up Jelita, mom."

"Thankfully, if you just fell asleep, it's not usual for Jelita to come home from work right away, usually I take a shower and go to the kitchen if I don't watch TV downstairs."

"I'm sorry ma'am, have you worried about me, have you cooked dinner, sis?"

"Yes, madam."

"Yes, Jelita takes a shower, yes, Mas Danil will come home soon, Mr. Sapto and Mr. Atmo will come home later, if you are in a hurry, Jelita will join the congregation, if not, then Jelita will pray alone, it will be okay."

"Yes, Nyah, then I will not go to the mosque in the dl."

"Yes ma'am."

Jelita closed the door to her room and sat on the sofa, took off her hijab and took the shoes she had taken off at any place, after putting her things in their place, Jelita went into the bathroom, turned on the shower and started her bathing ritual.

after almost fifteen minutes Jelita came out of the bathroom with a fresh body, she just put on a kimono towel because she thought Danil had not come home, but her estimation was wrong. Danil was waiting for her beside the bathroom door.


Jelita felt a warm and tingly sensation when Danil's lips kissed the cold back of his neck because he had just finished taking a shower.

"Instead of saying hello first, just play billboard." Said Jelita casually, her hands were still cool to dry her hair with a towel, ignoring Danil's hands which were already wrapped around her stomach from behind, while continuing to give his wife a kiss on the shoulder.

"Assalamualaikum my sweet wife." Said Danil and Jelita smiled happy to hear that.

"Waalaikumsalam husband, so please say hello first." Jelita turned her body to face Danil and looked at the man in front of her full of love.

"So now it's okay, I already said hello." Danil said while rubbing the tip of their nose.

"Yes you can..." Jelita paused her sentence

"Fun..." Daniel was excited.

"He can pray already maghrib." Said Jelita while releasing her body from Danil's arms.

"Hgh." Daniel sighed.

"Go take a shower first, then we pray, Jelita waits in the prayer room, hurry up and take a shower, it won't take long, the evening will be over soon." Jelita said as she walked towards a room that contained Danil and Jelita's equipment which was only insulated by a glass wall and was still in their room.

"Okay madam.." Danil said as he entered the bathroom because he didn't want Jelita to wait long for him to pray in congregation.

Exactly at seven o'clock at night when they were sitting together on the balcony of the room, after finishing the congregational and murajaah prayers, Danil pulled Jelita's body to sit on his lap.

What Danil never imagined was to hug Jelita every day, see her face any time he wanted, like now he feels what he has wanted even though he never expected to meet his idol girl again after the previous incident.



"Have you ever imagined living with me?"



"You ask, I answer, then you call me sadistic? What do you want?"

"So you never remember me until we meet?"

"Will Danil remember someone who once hurt Danil? destroyed Danil's life even?"

Danil was silent, this time he made the wrong sentence, in the end he himself felt the consequences of his mistake. Danil took a deep breath, his hands tightened around Jelita. Then Danil kissed his wife's cheek.

Danil's hand gently pulled Jelita's chin so that Jelita looked at him, Danil slowly brought his face closer, their lips almost met when a loud explosion was heard near the fence of his house.


Jelita immediately got up from Danil's lap, as well as Danil who immediately stood up and looked around him, he saw several people trying to get in past the guard, Danil ran out of the room and went straight down to the terrace of his house, while Jelita chose to go straight down from the balcony of the room, she down using a branch on the side of the balcony, and immediately hit someone who was about to take Mr. Atmo hostage.

How surprised Danil was when he saw that his little wife had arrived in their yard. Danil saw the man who was hit by Jelita bounced a few meters because of the severity of Jelita's blow, the man grimaced at the feeling of blood flowing from the corner of his lips.

"Come on, don't be a coward." Jelita said while putting on a horse, Jelita looked so serious looking at the man.

But it turns out that the one who attacked was not only the person in front of Jelita but another person behind Jelita, Mr. atmo had already run to save Sucurity who was injured as a result of the blows of those people.

Two people approached Jelita and attacked her simultaneously, but Danil first blocked one of the men who was about to attack Jelita from behind.

Jelita kicked the man in front of him until he was knocked back, Danil had paralyzed one person who had attacked Jelita,

Jelita came back and gave the man a point until the man fell helpless, a few minutes later Danil's men came and finished all the fighting, they arrested four men who had dared to attack his boss, and threw Molotov cocktails in Danil's yard.

"Are you all right, honey?" Danil said while holding Jelita's shoulders and twirling her body.

"I'm okay, Mas, Danil are you okay?" Tanya Danil is no less worried about Danil's condition.

"Madam, sir.!!" Mbok Rahmi shouted while running towards Jelita and Danil.

"Mbok Rahmi, how are Mr. Atmo and Mr. Sapto?"

"They are okay, madam, only Saiful was injured from being hit but I have treated him and now he is fine."

Not long after the police arrived to investigate the case, a girl with long hair appeared after her, then she approached Danil and Jelita who were sitting in the gazebo beside their terrace.

"Good evening Mr. Danil, good evening Madam, introduce me. I am Arlita, I am in charge of the investigation of this case."

'Arlita? I've heard this name before, but where is it?' Jelita said to herself, her eyes observing Arlita from the bottom to the top of her head.

'Is she the girl that Rey told me about, but she said she was drunk to be a cop?' Jelita is still engrossed in her thoughts.

"Good evening, Mrs. Arlita, please sit down, this is Jelita, my wife." Jelita immediately stretched out her hand and shook hands with Arlita.

"Excuse me, Mr. Danil, is there anyone you suspect of this bombing act?" Asked Arlita trying to find information from Danil and Jelita.

"I don't suspect anyone, because I myself have never felt like I have enemies, but if in business there are many people who don't like us, I think that's a natural thing," said Danil.

"You are right, I will try to find evidence and interrogate the perpetrators, I will immediately inform you, and as long as this case is not resolved please you be more careful and tighten the guard, or do you need police escort?"

"I don't think it's necessary, I hope something like this doesn't happen again and the culprit is caught soon."

"Hopefully Mr. Danil, we will work hard for it, then we will excuse ourselves."

"Thank you, Mrs. Arlita, please."

Danil and Jelita escorted Arlita to the front of the gazebo, then they went into the house because it was getting late at night.

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