
safe him

Jelita rubbed her eyes when she heard the sound of the call to prayer from her cellphone, but suddenly she wondered why her back felt warm, she looked back.

"Danil?" Jelita tried to remember what happened last night, and she smiled.

"Don't move around much, if you don't want something to wake up." Danil said as he closed his eyes, and his hands were still faithfully hugging Jelita from behind.

"What is awake? Aren't you already awake?" Jelita asked innocently, instead she deliberately turned to face Danil.

"I told you, don't move or someone will wake up, or I'll make a mistake?"

"Yes, what's up?" Hearing the innocent words that came out of his wife's sweet lips, Danil then pulled Jelita's hand and placed it on top of her hardened trunk. Instantly Jelita's face turned red, Jelita pulled her hand and immediately got out of bed and ran to the bathroom. Really he was very embarrassed, even though he had seen it even if only briefly. Danil also got out of bed, actually he wanted to go straight from Jelita's room, but what's wrong if he teases his wife a little more.

"Jelita, do you not want me to accompany you to take a shower? I really am happy to do it."


"Are you sure you don't want to see what you just held?" Danil Stifled his laughter.



"Danillllll !!!!!" Danil laughed so hard that the corners of his eyes burst into tears, because he heard Jelita's trio from the bathroom. Danil then looked away from Jelita's room, headed to his own room to immediately take a shower. Could flirting with his wife be Danil's new hobby? We'll see, viewers ...


"Where do you have an event today?" Danil asked Jelita while they were enjoying breakfast.

"Um .. I don't think it's going anywhere, why is that?"

"What if you just come to my office?"

Jelita thought for a moment, and ...

"Okay, if it doesn't bother Mas Danil."

"I won't, I'd love it if you came."


Danil nodded firmly.

Danil walked hand in hand with Jelita, their fingers intertwined, smiled at each other, occasionally they nodded and smiled at the employees who greeted them. Many of the employees have admired the two of them since the press conference the other day, they did not expect that their boss who is always cold turns out to have such a romantic story, obviously they think that because they don't know their boss's true love story.

Danil and Jelita entered the employee-only elevator, and soon they arrived at the floor where there was Danil's room there. Some of Danil's secretaries greeted them when Danil arrived at the door of his study.

"Wow, your workspace is great too." Jelita said when they were in Danil's room, Jelita walked around the room looking at every detail in her husband's study. Meanwhile, Danil took off his coat and hung it on his kebesaraan chair. Then stepped closer to Jelita and hugged her from behind.

"You can rest in that room if you're tired of waiting for me to work." Danil said, pointing to one of the doors not far from their standing position. Not long after that, Danil's assistant named yogi entered Danil's room after knocking on the door and being welcomed by Danil.

"What's the news today?"

"Mr. Richard invites you to dinner, do you agree, sir?"

"I can't, tonight I have an appointment with my wife, the day after tomorrow."

"Yes sir."

"There are more?"

"At 10 o'clock you will have a meeting with Mr. Ronald's company."

"Has Ronald come back from out of town?"

"I think so, sir. But I heard Mr Ronald's father is sick, sir."

"What ?? It hurts?" Jelita suddenly interrupted Danild and Yogi's conversation.

"Good morning madam, sorry I do not know if there is a mistress here, forgive me for my impudence I did not greet you."

"It's okay sir, I was from Danil's break room, it's no wonder that Mr. Yogi didn't know that I was here."

"Jelita, do you know Ronald's father? Why are you so surprised to hear that he is sick?"

"No. It's because Ronald is your best friend. I mean, shouldn't we visit?"

"Of course."

"Please let me know when Ronald arrives, you will take him directly to the room."

"Fine, sir. Then I'll excuse me." Yogi said.

"Jelita, maybe Ronald will come later, are you okay?

"Is it okay, or are you annoyed that I'm here?" Hearing Jelita's words that seemed to tease him, Danil then got up from his seat and pulled Jelita to his arms.

"Are you teasing me, hm?"

"Do you feel offended Mr. Danil?"

"I don't think Mrs. Danil Mahendra." Danil said while bringing his lips closer to Jelita. and again their lips linked together, and before long Jelita released her lips from Danil's sexy lips.

"Why is Mas Danil being a pervert now, just kiss him a little."

"Because you're my wife and I want it." Danil replied.

"You don't know how happy I am, that you are Aya, Ayaku, the girl I love from the past until now, even Ronald has never shifted your position in my heart, but I admit that Ronald has occupied the other side of my heart, but I have been amazed since I found out. who you are, so easily I get rid of the figure of Ronald who used to be very attached to my heart. "

"Is it true?"

"Don't you believe it?"

"It's not like that, I'm very happy to hear that." Then Jelita hugged Danil tightly, Danil hugged back no less tightly. But suddenly the door to the room opened, and startled the two of them. A handsome man, white skinned and wearing neat office clothes. Jelita know who it is ...

"Ronald ?!" Danil said in shock. While the person being greeted looked at him sharply, there was not the slightest smile on his lips.

"Hi, Mas Ronald how are you?" Jelita said trying to be as relaxed as possible.

"Sit down, isn't it still 10 o'clock?" Danil asked

"Why? Are you annoyed?" Ronald replied with a cold tone.

"Of course not." Danil replied. Jelita felt uncomfortable in the situation and decided to leave the room.

"Sorry I came out for a moment."

"Where are you going, Jelita?"

"I better wait for you on the rooftop, I heard there is a garden, as well as I want to contact Rey."

"Why not just here, come into the room, you can relax there." Danil said.

"No, I want to feel the fresh air outside, anyway."

"Okay, if you don't want to, I'll catch up with you later." Danil said, Jelita just nodded with a smile. And walked towards the door after greeting the two handsome men.

After Jelita left the room, Ronald approached Danil and hugged her tightly, but when Ronald was about to kiss her, Danil avoided her. Ronald was disappointed, he released Danil from his arms, and just walked away from Danil's room. Stunned for a moment at Ronald's behavior, but then Danil returned to his seat on his oversized chair, not realizing the danger was threatening Jelita.

Jelita walked slowly up the steps that would take her to the rooftop, she purposely didn't use the elevator because she wanted to calm her mind by walking. Jelita's thoughts are focused on two male figures, one is her husband and the other is her rival.

Jelita arrived at the rooftop there were seats and plants in large pots, and a hellypad base. Jelita stood on the edge of the Rooftop barrier, looked at the skyscrapers in front of her, saw the passing of the vehicles below that looked like ants neatly lined up. Jelita took a deep breath. While enjoying the breeze, Jelita was surprised by the arrival of Ronald, who immediately grabbed Jelita's hand roughly.

"Don't ever take Danil from me." Ronald said with a menacing look, but Jelita was not afraid at all.

"I never took Danil from you, but he was the one who wanted to come back to me."

"Back to you? Who are you? His first love? Bulsyit !! Danil married you just to cover up that he is actually gay."

"Maybe at first yes, but not for now, I'm sure Mas Danil has changed."

"How confident you are, miss."

"I believe in my husband."

"Do you know what we both do when together? We satisfy each other, I'm sure that you have never been in touch with Danil, you will only get marks from me."

"I had Danil first, before you, I slept with Danil first before you." Ronald was furious, Ronald choked Jelita's neck, Jelita's reflex backed off and her back hit the Rooftop wall. With the remaining force Jelita kicked Ronald's collar, it made Jelita chuckle loose. Jelita immediately ran toward the stairs because she didn't want to have any further business with Ronald. but just when his foot stepped on a step Ronald attacked by kicking Jelita's body, luckily Jelita had a chance to avoid getting caught. Finally Ronald's body rolled down and hit the stairs, Jelita ran towards Ronal who was lying there covered in wounds helplessly.

"Ronald ... Ronald ... Hang in there, you'll be fine, you can't die before meeting your brother." Ronald still had time to hear what Jelita said, before finally he was unconscious.

Jelita frantically took her cellphone and contacted Danil. Suddenly Danil was surprised by what Jelita said. Danil immediately ran to the stairs where Ronald and Jelita were.

Daniln and Jelita took Ronald to the hospital in a helicopter helicopter, so they quickly arrived at the hospital.

"Doctor, please save him." Jelita said in panic.

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