
Chapter 7

Last night with James was magical. I never thought I could feel his way about someone again. I lie in bed, just thinking about him. Soon one of my roommates shakes me to make sure I'm awake. I get up and get ready for the day. I head down to the common room, ready. I find Reg standing there. "Waiting for me, brother," I ask. "Unfortunately." He sighs and rolls his eyes. I punch his arm and start to head out of the common room. "You know you love me," I say. We continue to walk to the Great Hall in complete silence.

We walk in and sit down at the end of the table. I look over to try and find James. He is sitting next to Pettigrew with Sirius and Remus in front of him. He is already starring at me. I give him a small smile. He winks back. I look down, and I can feel the heat spread through my cheeks. "Why are you blushing?" Reg asks me. "Nothing," I say, looking back up at him. "Oh no, it's something, and I'm going to find out." He looks at me and all the other tables. "Why is Potter staring at you?" He asks. Shit James is starring at me. "I don't know," I say. He looks back at me. "You keep blushing. Does this have something to do with Potter?" He asks. "No, and why so many questions today, Reg save them for class," I say. "Fine." He mumbles. Whew, that was a close one.

"Ah, Mr. and Ms. Black." says professor Slughorn. "Hello, professor." I greet him. "I have your schedules. I look forward to seeing both of you this year." He says and walks away. "Ug, I have to get to potions," I say. I stand up and grab a muffin off the table. "See you later, Reg," I say and walk out.

I start to walk down to the dungeons when I hear footsteps fall in line with mine. "And how are you doing on this lovely day Black," James says with a smirk. "I am doing nicely, thank you for asking. How are you doing?" I ask back. "I am missing a certain someone, but other than that, I am excellent as well." He says. "And who might this lovely lady be that has captured your attention?" I ask. I really hope he days me. "Why, of course, my dear Lillypad." He says. What. I stop. He keeps walking a few paces but then notices I stopped and turns around. "What's wrong?" James asks. "You still like Lilly?" I had to ask. Was last night just a joke to him? "What Lyra no. I was joking you are the one I am missing." James answers. He cups my cheek and forces me to meet his eyes. "I've given up on Lilly. I realized that the world isn't just her." He adds. He brings my lips up to his and gently kisses me.

I pull back. "James was in the middle of a corridor. Someone could see." I say. "I don't care. Let them see. I want everyone to know." He says, throwing his hands in the air. "James, we are not anything right now. Things are still raw from Turner." I say. "I know, and I want to be here for you when you're ready." He says. "Thank you. This doesn't me we don't have to stop seeing each other." I add. "I wasn't going to let you stop," James says and quickly pecks my lips then runs back toward the great hall.

I smile and look at his back. I laugh just enough for me to hear. I start to walk back toward the potions classroom. I open the door, and the strong scent of James cologne hits me. Is Potter in this class? I look around and see don't see him or his friends around anywhere. I spot Snape and walk over to him. "Black." He greets. "Snape. What are we learning about today?" I ask. "Amortentia, the love potion. It smells like whoever your soulmate is." He drowns on. WAIT WHAT!

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