
390 Zhao Lingxin's Supreme Being

Zhao Lingxin's battle robot slowly landed on the earth. After completing a mission on the moon, Zhao Lingxin immediately returned.

Now, the Moon Destroyer is returning to its original state. Little by little, Hong Bao'er had controlled the moon to return to normal. The moon moved amazingly before returning to its normal planetary shape as if nothing had happened before.

The massive amount of debris from the Dark Dimension land did not affect the seven planets' orbits. Including planet Yanhuang because the debris was too far away.

Of course, the remnants of the Dark Dimension Land would gradually transform into a meteor line surrounding the Great Dazhou Star System. The demon's corpse was progressively covered in ice. Due to the negative temperature environment of the vacuum condition, billions of corpses are floating in space.

These corpses would be a reminder to the Dark Dimension Invaders that they had lost many troops in this place.

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